3 Week Old Chicken Can’t Stand/ Won’t Eat


Aug 8, 2024
My three week old chick suddenly stopped standing and seems to have what I googled to be Marek’s but i’m not sure. She just lays there. I had to isolate her so she wouldn’t get trampled. Made a chick chair but i have to dropped feed her. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want her to suffer
Mareks never shows symptoms before 5-6 weeks, and usually it is much later. Cannyountake the chick aside and try to feed some mushy wet feed and egg? Electrolytes or Poultry Cell might also be helpful. If she won’t eat, I would try treating with Corid in case of possible coccidiosis. Coccidiosis causes runny droppings with blood or yellow mucus, lethargy/sleepiness, weakness, and standing around puffed up or hunched. Does the chick have trouble walking, and may e has grown weak due to not eating and drinking? Corid is a ailable at most feed stores, and dosage is 2 tsp of liquid Corid or 1 1/2 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. For smaller volumes use 1/2 tsp of the liquid per quart waterer.
Mareks never shows symptoms before 5-6 weeks, and usually it is much later. Cannyountake the chick aside and try to feed some mushy wet feed and egg? Electrolytes or Poultry Cell might also be helpful. If she won’t eat, I would try treating with Corid in case of possible coccidiosis. Coccidiosis causes runny droppings with blood or yellow mucus, lethargy/sleepiness, weakness, and standing around puffed up or hunched. Does the chick have trouble walking, and may e has grown weak due to not eating and drinking? Corid is a ailable at most feed stores, and dosage is 2 tsp of liquid Corid or 1 1/2 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. For smaller volumes use 1/2 tsp of the liquid per quart waterer.
Thank you. she cannot stand up on her own but just started to eat! I have been giving her electrolytes by dropper and she has been taking it well. Should I still give her corid if she has regained an appetite? She refused to even remotely stand and when i give her a break from the chick chair, she is almost lying upside down. i can’t get her to lie any other way. her legs are like stiff straight unless i manipulate them in a different manner
She may just be weak from dehydration and not getting food due to her mobilty issues. But Corid won’t hurt. You just have to avoid giving b vitamins during Corid treatment. You could have it in case, or start it once she is eating and drinking. But it is up to you whether or not to give it. It is safe for others.
She may just be weak from dehydration and not getting food due to her mobilty issues. But Corid won’t hurt. You just have to avoid giving b vitamins during Corid treatment. You could have it in case, or start it once she is eating and drinking. But it is up to you whether or not to give it. It is safe for others.
Only thing I am worried about with stopping the electrolytes is that a lack of riboflavin could be a cause of the inability to walk so i am kind of at a cross roads here. I think I will get the corid and try it if she isn't getting any better through the night. thanks for the advice

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