Hi we got two straight run polish chicks about 2.5 weeks ago. They were about a week old when we got them. We are concerned one might be a male because one seems to be developing faster than the other. It is important to note however, that there is a chance one is a couple days older and there is a chance that one or both are Polish frizzles.
(As a Side Note the pink dot on their head was placed there by the breeder and we were told it would come out as their feathers grow which seems to be the case.) Any guess on whether both female
or if one is a male?
Polish #1-black white crested
Polish #2- grey white crested
(As a Side Note the pink dot on their head was placed there by the breeder and we were told it would come out as their feathers grow which seems to be the case.) Any guess on whether both female

Polish #1-black white crested
Polish #2- grey white crested