32 Week Buff Orpington - Not Even A Crown


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2018
My Buff Orpington is 32 weeks old. my Blue Maran and RIR of the same age are both laying already and both have massive crowns. Buff has the same size crown for the passed 4 months. It is the largest of all 3 but it seems it has no plans on growing a crown.
is this a possibility. Or is there a different breed of buff that just doesn't grow them?
Orpingtons are slower to mature. Most start laying at 5-7 months. The comb will enlarge 1-2 months before the start of lay. Keep them on a grower, so it can continue to mature. Put out a separate bowl of oyster shells for the calcium needs.
One of my buff orps developed late. She was close to 30 weeks before her comb even started to grow or turn red. It never did get very big either.

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