33 Eggs!!!!!?????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
OK - Mrs. Goose has now laid a total of 33 eggs. First 10 I took away and now there are 23 eggs in her nest. Oldest one from 3-1. She is not setting but maybe 30 min daily and at nite. I am going to leave them all thru next week, although I'm sure they are no good. She is so saggy she looks uncomfortable. Question is, if I take all her eggs away, surely she won't continue laying? I'm afraid she'll kill herself if she lays anymore. Should I separate Mr. and Mrs. Goose? Will that make her stop laying? Help please
What breed of goose? Most only lay once every 2-3 days but smaller breeds like Chinese can lay more often. But I would also be checking to make sure that the eggs are fertile and you don't have 2 females.
Thanks for the ideas on my marathon layer. I know that I have a male and female. Pretty hard to ignore all that lovemaking. Both Mr. and Mrs. Goose are a mix of Toulouse and Chinese-although Mrs. Goose looks like a Toulouse to me. I will check one or two eggs and see if anything's there. Even if there is-wouldn't they all be bad by now? She is totally ignoring her nest unless the dog or grandkids come around-then she will go in her house and set til they leave. Also- is it normal for her to sag so badly she is practically dragging on the ground? She seems perfectly happy otherwise. Thanks again!!!
thanks-will post the info in emerg as you suggested. Mrs. Goose is the ONLY one laying. Saw Mr. Goose's "equipment" one day when he was trying to bother Mrs. Goose so have no doubts about his gender. So eggs are all hers and hers only. Maybe she should go in Guiness Book of World Records??
Heavy breeds like Toulouse can be pretty saggy looking, they have fat lobes between the legs, they shouldn't drag though.
Did your goose every start to set? I'm faced with the same problem but I have two females and one male. The females are sharing the nest and have a ton of eggs in there but NOBODY is sitting on the nest for any period of time
I don't know if I should just leave all the eggs and hope for the best or what might be going on
Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Kathy : No - My goose never set at all. I ended up throwing away total of 35 eggs (I know - it's a sin) and Mrs. Goose is STILL laying. I am going to let her keep this batch of eggs, although she shows no interest in setting. Will probably throw those out also after a few weeks if she does the same thing (NOTHING). When she started laying, she sat for about 5 days and then never sat again. Maybe she's immature and maybe she's just dumb as rocks. Nevertheless, she is sweet and bothers nobody, so I'll just keep her.

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