3yo hen, waddling walk, distended abdomen, pain?


9 Years
Jun 30, 2015
Our 3 year old Rhode Island Red waddles with wide spread legs like a penguin, avoids to move, her abdomen is distended ( ascites?), her tail points down. Yesterday, her breathing was fast, probably because her lungs are compressed from the pressure in the abdomen.


We noticed it yesterday afternoon.
No other hen seems sick.
Her poop is dry but otherwise normal.

What we've done so far:
Epsom salt bath
Lubricated vent with oil
Ibuprofen every 8 hours
Separated from flock
Yogurt for calcium

Do you think she's egg bound (we couldn't feel one, though) or has yolk peritonitis? Or what could it be?

What else can we do? (Not wanting to take her to a vet)

What other pain meds can we give her?

Thanks for your advice
Here I think this thread may be helpful for you:


I’m sorry about your hen. It does sound like she is struggling to breath, sometimes draining the belly can help relive some pressure if it’s ascites. There are some decent draining instructions out there on this site and YouTube.
Thank you so much! I was thinking about draining last night but now that her breathing is better, I'll wait.
Thank you so much! I was thinking about draining last night but now that her breathing is better, I'll wait.
Oh I’m glad to hear her breathing is better. It’s such a tough choice. I genuinely wish that someday there is a cure for these types of issues.

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