4 Month Old Lt. Brahma Cockerel or Pullet


Nov 10, 2015
Florence/Effingham, SC
4 month old light brahma - pullet or cockerel. I'm leaning towards pullet but have never owned a fullblooded brahma and this one is getting bullied pretty hard and is always alone. Very friendly and quiet bird but its quiet and lonely nature reminds me of how my hens bullied the last cockerel we had. Rooster keeps dancing for it but no mating so it's pretty suspicious. Thanks in advance

That's good. They're such leggy birds I wasn't sure what to think lol. Yeah she just walks around all alone and the other hens chase her away. When I'm out there it runs around and follows me closely. Hoping we're right and it's a girl
Yaayyyyy :| We just had to rehome a pretty little cockerel and this one is such a sweety. My hens are relentless in bullying it and they have never bullied a female so hard. They DO bully cockerels really bad though since they acknowledge only my adult red ranger male as head rooster.
Yeah now I'm 90% sure it's a cockerel. I was able to actually see the saddle feathers today and they're sharp as can be. Well he's gotta go back to his breeder who fortunately takes back accidental cockerels sold as pullets. He's got a cute little chocolate cuckoo pullet I might get as a replacement. Thanks y'all

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