Is a 41/2 week old chick too young to tell if its a cockerel? I have 2 light Brahmas and they are looking very different today! What would be the best age to be sure which are definitely pullets? Well, here are some pics of Betty (her twin Wilma with quite a bit lighter comb) You will see Betty and Wilma together yesterday with barely any difference in their combs but today.... yikes! I have 3 others the same age (Barred Rock, Ameraucana and NH Red) and all combs are still light.
Thanks everyone, any help is appreciated.... in our town, Roo's are illegal and i would have to give her away. You will see they are inseparable!
Thanks everyone, any help is appreciated.... in our town, Roo's are illegal and i would have to give her away. You will see they are inseparable!