5 week chook self harm?

Thank you, I have no clue, I have checked all other chicks for bloody beaks and watched for them all pecking at her but she's just scratching. I'm heading to go buy mite dust stuff now and I'll pop some betadine on her head (It's also an antiseptic ointment) I didn't even think of mites!

Thank you, I have betadine, but what is a triple antibiotic ointment called? Do you reccomend any?
Her eyes seem fine.
They are all a bit dopey and do peck each other's feathers out of curiosity so it could've started that. I have 9 in there. I've almost finished building my run outside and they will be going in there when it's done.
You can use the Betadine Ointment if that's what you have.

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