5 Week Old Chick Suddenly Unable to Walk


9 Years
Sep 7, 2015
2 days ago I discovered my mixed breed chick unable to walk properly. She walks along using her "knees" with her feet flat in front of her and can't balance when I try to stand her up properly. A few days ago I noticed she was a bit wobbly when walking in the broader but now she can't stand. She can kick her legs when I pick her up and can right herself when tipped over, but she won't perch or curl her toes. It like she can't feel her feet below the bend of her leg.

She is a barnyard cochin mutt and was living with ducklings before I got her. Her previous owner was going to cull her if she couldn't find a home for her soon so I brought her home with me. I've had her roughly 3 weeks and she was doing fine prior to a few days ago.

Could she have Mareks? Vit B12 deficiency? I have been keeping chickens for a solid 2 decades and have never encountered this issue. I added vitamin mix from the feed store to her water today to see if she improves. She is separated from my main flock and had been in isolation the entire time I've had her, never even stepping foot outside her broader. Any tips??

Poor thing!

Hard to know what's happening with her. Could be some type of leg bone deformity or perhaps nutritional deficiency. Possibly Marek's disease - symptoms usually start to show at around 12+ weeks of age, but if she's 5 weeks that's a bit "early".

I would try vitamin therapy to see if she improves. Give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex. You're wanting the B2 (Riboflavin) and with B-Complex you'll have that plus other essential B vitamins as well.
Can I ask what the outcome has been for your chick did she improve with vitamins? how is she doing now? I have a similar issue with a 6-week-old serama, I'm praying that it's not Mereck's.

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