5 week old Maran-pullet or cockerel or too early still?


May 3, 2021
DFW area Texas
Hi all! I am branching out and picked up 3 new chicks for my backyard flock. The other two, an Olive egger and Cream Legbar are definitely pullets but this Maran is keeping me guessing. All were from Hoover hatchery and the Maran was in the Assorted Marans group so not sure what exact kind she/he is but I’m think Black Copper Maran.

She/he is the loudest chick, protective of the others by chirping LOUDLY if they are ever out of their sight, and is a BIG OL’ chick. The tail came in and feathers at the same rate as my other two chicks.

My other rooster at this age though had larger and really red waddles and comb. Hers/his is just now showing some pink.

What do y’all think?


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I'm thinking pullet.
Marans comb up early, and it looks just like my pullet did at that age.
It is still a bit early to tell though, and could be a slower developing cockerel.
Yes I’m hoping it’s a pullet and not a slow developing cockerel 🤞🏼🤞🏼 I would hate to have to get rid of it because it is a great chick! Super skittish though.
I can tell you that your post is almost exactly what I could say right now. I have 5week old Maran, CCL and LO. The Marans is supposed to be Cukoo but they got it wrong, she's BCM (I've had a BCM chick before this one,) and she is much bigger than the others and much more the cry baby, making my adult chickens so annoyed at night when I cut the light or like you say, when the others are off on their own adventure without her. She looks exactly like yours. My previous BCM chick was big with big legs too (canckles.) I'm confident that we both have BCM Pullets and I'm okay that they got it wrong, my adult BCM is awesome and lays gorgeous eggs. :thumbsup
Hi all! I am branching out and picked up 3 new chicks for my backyard flock. The other two, an Olive egger and Cream Legbar are definitely pullets but this Maran is keeping me guessing. All were from Hoover hatchery and the Maran was in the Assorted Marans group so not sure what exact kind she/he is but I’m think Black Copper Maran.

She/he is the loudest chick, protective of the others by chirping LOUDLY if they are ever out of their sight, and is a BIG OL’ chick. The tail came in and feathers at the same rate as my other two chicks.

My other rooster at this age though had larger and really red waddles and comb. Hers/his is just now showing some pink.

What do y’all think?
Any updated pictures?

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