6 chickens 1 egg

christi g

In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2024
Good evening all - I am a new chicken mama. Started my flock of 6 in May of 2024. 2 americana's given to me (questionable if roo or hens still?) 2 black majestic marans and 2 blue gray maranas(?) purchased at local feed stores. All were aprox. 3-5 days old. They are just now 20 wks old as of 20 Sept. about a week ago I pleasently was surprised by a small brown egg! ( actually I was so excited I screamed) I have had 1 egg a day since. all are brown some small with lighter dots on shell. I thought is was the black maranas as they are a few days older, but then I found grey tail feather in the nesting box. so now I believe its the gray one(s) I have tried to check the "Vent" as suggested to detect which hens are laying - But to me my hens all seem to appear the same.

So I ask is this normal - or O.K.? I know these breeds are late layers so timing is early - but I would like to know if I should be concerned?

I have also been finding more feathers around the coop and pen. Tail feathers and others. Concerns?

Thank you- I look forward to everyone's help!
questionable if roo or hens still?
At their age, it is easy to determine gender. Please post pictures of them and we will let you know if they are cockerels or pullets.

You have one pullet that has reached sexual maturity. The rest haven't. Give them time.

As for the feathers, pullets go through about 4 molts as they grow. It is normal to see lots of feathers.
I am getting 2 dz eggs a day with 70 hens right now. My 25 Easter Ladies stopped laying completely 3 weeks ago. The balance of mixed breeds are starting to join them.
Looks like my birds got attacked by a Weed Wacker. Soon they will have beautiful downs once again. Gotta pump some extra protein to aid the molt process.
(questionable if roo or hens still?)
Yes, photos. A close-up showing comb and wattles and a shot showing legs and posture. It could really help if we could see the saddle and hackle feathers, round ones mean girls and pointy ones mean boys. Ameraucanas should have a pea comb which can make it a bit more difficult but at that age it should be apparent.

I thought is was the black maranas as they are a few days older, but then I found grey tail feather in the nesting box. so now I believe its the gray one(s) I have tried to check the "Vent" as suggested to detect which hens are laying - But to me my hens all seem to appear the same.
A few days won't matter and feathers could be from a molt. Since your vent check did not work you might read this. As few as you have you can use different colors to quickly narrow it down.

Who is laying what egg? - YouTube

So I ask is this normal - or O.K.? I know these breeds are late layers so timing is early - but I would like to know if I should be concerned?
Each pullet is an individual and will lay when she lays. It is perfectly normal and natural that some start earlier than expected and some can be much later.

I have also been finding more feathers around the coop and pen. Tail feathers and others. Concerns?
Some pullets (or cockerels) will molt their first fall and some will not. You read all kinds of nonsense on this forum where all chickens on this planet do the exact same thing but it doesn't work like that.
Both of these can be aggravating and frustrating when they do not meet your expectations but I do not see anything that would concern me about you doing anything wrong or them not being "right". To me this is part of normal natural life, the way it is instead of some romantic version of perfection.

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