Good evening all - I am a new chicken mama. Started my flock of 6 in May of 2024. 2 americana's given to me (questionable if roo or hens still?) 2 black majestic marans and 2 blue gray maranas(?) purchased at local feed stores. All were aprox. 3-5 days old. They are just now 20 wks old as of 20 Sept. about a week ago I pleasently was surprised by a small brown egg! ( actually I was so excited I screamed) I have had 1 egg a day since. all are brown some small with lighter dots on shell. I thought is was the black maranas as they are a few days older, but then I found grey tail feather in the nesting box. so now I believe its the gray one(s) I have tried to check the "Vent" as suggested to detect which hens are laying - But to me my hens all seem to appear the same.
So I ask is this normal - or O.K.? I know these breeds are late layers so timing is early - but I would like to know if I should be concerned?
I have also been finding more feathers around the coop and pen. Tail feathers and others. Concerns?
Thank you- I look forward to everyone's help!
So I ask is this normal - or O.K.? I know these breeds are late layers so timing is early - but I would like to know if I should be concerned?
I have also been finding more feathers around the coop and pen. Tail feathers and others. Concerns?
Thank you- I look forward to everyone's help!