Hi, I have a 6 day old silkie chick that has gimpy legs - they aren't as splayed as the splayed leg syndrome photos I've seen. He/she can walk but like it's drunk. It seems to me that it's not interested in eating, but is drinking. In all the posts I've seen, it's been older chicks that you've taped their legs to fix this. It has HAIRY legs, I really don't want to tape them, it would hurt taking it off. I didn't think I should isolate it, since it's so young. The others do snuggle with it, but when they are running around, they step on it. There are 22 chicks - about 5 of them are smaller than all the others. This is 1 of the 5 smaller ones, but isn't the smallest.
1. can I safely separate it?
2., can I fix it?
3. What should I try to feed it, if it won't eat the scratch?
Thank you so much!!

1. can I safely separate it?
2., can I fix it?
3. What should I try to feed it, if it won't eat the scratch?
Thank you so much!!