6 month old pullet can't stand/walk

She just smells like chicken right now, so hopefully not so bad yet? Can this be a secondary symptom from her not eating much for the past day or two? Or is it likely this was her issue all along? She's still drinking a bunch of water but not touching the food still. She's still having watery poops so she's not backed up on the other end yet.

I did the crop massage but not sure if it did anything. I can pick up one of those medicines on my way home from work today... Is one better than the other and what is the egg withdrawal period on each? Also any suggestions on what's the best form to get it in to get it down her since she's not eating?
Since she is drinking water though I did just add some ACV and garlic to her water for today until I can pick up something more for her...ideally the natural remedies would help her out but if she needs the stronger medicine I'll give it to her.

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