6 week old OEGB

Rustic Ace

Jul 6, 2024
Had 7 chicks now down to 2. 6 week old OEGB dieing for no reason. Was still on heat. So, took them off heat and one die last night. I'm lost. I'm new to OEGB world. Any idea or info is welcome.
I'm sorry to hear about your chicks. How long have you had them? What are you feeding? Are they indoors or outdoors? Have you noticed any symptoms such as lethargy, bloody or unusual poop, parasites, or any other odd behaviors? Coccidiosis is a common illness in chicks this age so getting your remaining 2 Corid would be one of the best things to start with.
They're indoors under heat. They were not acting Strange or anything. No blood under poop or anything. They just died. None of the other birds were sick.
Curious if you had a thermometer at their level, checked often, and followed guidelines exactly for age? Checked vents for pasting? Used Chick starter and fresh water daily? No drafts? Pic of your setup? Chemicals in the home can cause chick deaths sometimes. Hope we can help you work this out!

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