Mar 24, 2016 #1 chicken 101 In the Brooder Aug 9, 2015 76 1 39 beachvill ON hi BYC I have 14 quail chicks in my brooder when can I put them outside I will post a pic below
Mar 24, 2016 #2 2chicksagain Songster 6 Years Aug 26, 2013 217 11 104 Northern California Cool! I have 2 quail chicks right now
Mar 24, 2016 #3 Tabasco Jack Songster 11 Years Jan 20, 2013 634 431 241 Draketown, GA What's your weather like? Usually they'll be ok at 6 weeks old as long as you can provide a wind break for them. However, if it's still really cold up there, it might be a bit of a shock to them.
What's your weather like? Usually they'll be ok at 6 weeks old as long as you can provide a wind break for them. However, if it's still really cold up there, it might be a bit of a shock to them.
Mar 25, 2016 #4 2chicksagain Songster 6 Years Aug 26, 2013 217 11 104 Northern California Yep around 2 months they are gtg
Mar 25, 2016 #5 nonk72 In the Brooder Feb 17, 2016 65 7 48 Make sure they fully feathered. 2-3 weeks. If it is still cold provide a wind break and a heat lamp.