6 week runners with the rest of the flock?

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
I have suffered some losses, down to 4 hens, and one drake who is too feeble to mate them, he gets to the food and water and that’s about it. I responded to an ad for 1.5 months old runners, I should be able to sex them by voice, but how about mixing them in with the rest? Do you think I would get away with it at this stage? I was looking for some that were a bit older.
Introduce with the look no touch at 1.5 months they are still young and your flock may not accept them right off but doing the look no touch gives everyone time to get to know each other. When I put my 1.5 month olds out I use a dog X pen and set it up right in the middle where my adults hang out they stayed that way for about 2 weeks at night they slept in the coop in a large dog crate for protection.
I'd love to see some pictures of your new ducklings.
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Introduce with the look no touch at 1.5 months they are still young and your flock may not accept them right off but doing the look no touch gives everyone time to get to know each other. When I put my 1.5 mounth olds out I use a dog X pen and set it up right in the middle where my adults hang out they stayed that way for about 2 weeks at night they slept in the coop in a large dog crate for protection.
I'd love to see some pictures of your new ducklings.
I know how to voice sex, but do you think 6-8 weeks is too early to be reliable?

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