7 month old Barred Rock hen Lethargic with loose/stinky stools


Apr 6, 2023
Hi there,

My Barred Rock Hen, Pepper, has been feeling under the weather for just over a week. She had isolated herself, hiding in corners, or staying in the coop. She’ll be the first one in and the last out. Which is exactly the opposite of what she normally does. Her tail feathers were down and she was puffed up and she’s had loose stool and is slow and lethargic. I decided to bring her inside this last Saturday (today is Monday) and give her a warm bath to clean up her bottom and feel for an egg. I don’t know the last time she laid one. I don’t feel anything back there and I assume if she was egg bound we’d have lost her by now.

I started giving her Corid on Saturday, opening the dog crate she is in and offering her the water bowl, and her loose, foamy, yellow, white stool has turned in to very smelly, liquid, white, and brown stool. Definitely don’t see any worms at all. Her tail feathers have perked up, but she is still lethargic and slow moving. I’m not sure what else I can do, but she doesn’t really seem to be improving. Oh, she has been eating a little bit every day, but not like normal.

Does anyone have any idea what else I can do and/or what this may be?


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It sounds like you've been doing a lot to try to help Pepper. The symptoms you described could be indicative of various issues, including a digestive problem, a respiratory infection, or even an underlying health issue.
Since you've already started treatment with Corid for possible coccidiosis, continue to provide supportive care and monitor her closely for any changes in her condition. Ensure she has access to clean water and offer her small, easily digestible foods to encourage eating. Keeping her warm and comfortable is also important.
If Pepper's condition doesn't improve or if you notice any worsening symptoms, it may be best to consult with a veterinarian who has experience with poultry. They can provide a more thorough examination and offer specific treatment options tailored to Pepper's needs. In the meantime, continue to observe her closely and provide the best care possible.
I’d advise giving her vitamin supplements like vitamin D and B. Offer her extra grit separately. have you noticed her struggling to breathe? Is there a bullying issue? I’d also suggest checking her legs for any injuries or if there’s something stuck in between her toes. It happened to my hen once and she wasn’t moving much until we removed it. also don’t give her any foods or supplements containing thiamine since she’s on corid treatment. Are there any signs of mites or parasites?

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