7 to 8 week chicks outside for the first night.


12 Years
May 2, 2012
My chicks are 7-8 weeks old. I do not have my main coop cleaned out and separated for them. The past 2-3 days I’ve had them out in my mini coop, but would bring them kicking and squawking back into the garage brooder at night. I figured I’d leave them out there tonight but am worried for two reasons. 1) I checked on them just before dark and they were loud and trying to cram themselves into a corner. And 2) it’s not Fort Knox like my real coop. It’s a cheap Wayfair coop that has been out in the elements all year. But, I’ve not had a predator attack. Not sure if it’s because of the coop being so well protected or because we don’t have that many predators in the area. I know there are foxes and raccoons. But I’ve not seen any in the yard recently.

Should I just bring them into the garage tonight? Better safe than sorry?

Also, I just conditioned some wood that's in the garage, so there's some smell with that and I don't know if the fumes would be bad for the chickens.

Other question. Can a chick get too much grit? I just put some out for them today and one of them was really going to town on it.
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The screaming is probably because this is something new to them, as they haven't overnighted in it before. As far as if they're safe in there... well you'll need to decide your risk tolerance. If you feel it's safe enough, then leave them out. If you think there's a risk of predator attack, then bring them in.

I would remove the grit (or only put out a minimal amount) if there's gorging going on.

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