7 week old chick puffed up and won’t move - help!


Feb 9, 2023
Yesterday I noticed one of my 7 week old salmon faverolles poop looked Watery and bloody, so I started them on Corid water in case it was coccidiosis. All were acting fine.
Now this morning when I went to feed them one of them was hunched and puffed up in the corner of their hutch, tail down and not moving. Her beard feathers were all damp for some reason. I took her out and set up a tent for her away from the other chicks and got her to drink some of the corid water. She’s acting really sick and lethargic and all her feathers are sticking up. The other chicks seem fine.

I read about doing a corid drench, but worried since she’s so small. I couldn’t tell if the drench is okay for chicks this age.

Is there anything else that might be causing her to act this way? I really like this bird and want to save her if at all possible.

Details: these chicks are 7 weeks old today, and I’m keeping them in a small hutch with a ramp and box area until they’re big enough for the pen I set up for them. Pine shavings on the ground, and they’ve been off the light for about 2 weeks now. They’re eating 18% medicated chick starter since hatching.

I really appreciate any help anyone can give me! 💕

I meant to add, I followed the instructions on the corid bottle for the water treatment yesterday. 1/4 teaspoon of the corid liquid into 5 gallons of water. This is the same as I’ve been giving the chick now that she’s separated from the others.
I meant to add, I followed the instructions on the corid bottle for the water treatment yesterday. 1/4 teaspoon of the corid liquid into 5 gallons of water. This is the same as I’ve been giving the chick now that she’s separated from the others.
My corid liquid from TSC says on the bottle 1 to 2 tsp of pretty sick use 2 tsp per gallon of water as some drinking water .I think the treatment is 5 to 7 days. And i gave mine Gatorade with an eyedropper but no b vitamins. And was told after treatment give electrolytes and vitamins and minerals. Best wishes with them getting well.
My corid liquid from TSC says on the bottle 1 to 2 tsp of pretty sick use 2 tsp per gallon of water as some drinking water .I think the treatment is 5 to 7 days. And i gave mine Gatorade with an eyedropper but no b vitamins. And was told after treatment give electrolytes and vitamins and minerals. Best wishes with them getting well.
Thank you! All my chicks pulled through and are doing really well. I ended up giving them all a drop of pure corid solution in their mouths for 5 days as well as putting the lower dose in their water and they all recovered.

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