I have 7 week old and 8 week old assorted egg layers i got through tsc and have them outside (day2) my question would be. What temp should I consider putting a heat source in for them? What are appropriate temperatures for this age. Every where I research it states they are of appropriate age but never what temps should be when you do put them out. I currently have them in an enclosure within my chick run stead that has a miniature coop for them as they transition to be with my older flock. There’s lots of straw for bedding and I even insulated the mini coop with the straw for warmth. Any advice or feedback would be great….our outside temps this week have night time lows of 36-39 degrees. Day time can be anywhere between 50-70 degrees. I live in a coastal area of California so the temperatures can be all over the place this time of year.