9 week old chicken's eye is swollen! Glaucoma?

Jul 25, 2020
Hi! I'm new here so I don't quite know how to see if this question has been answered already for someone else, but I just noticed today that one of our 9week old Rhode Island Reds has a swollen and very cloudy eye. She can close and open her eyelid so I'm thinking maybe something got in there? Or is it possible it could be infectious and I need to get her out ASAP? She is definitely smaller than the others, and wolfed down crumbles when I squatted behind her stroking her feathers and keeping the others away.

We brooded these chicks for our community food autonomy project, and we had 122 when we moved them into the coop and are down to a more manageable 57 as of today (more are going to families soon), which is why I could even observe them better.

If she hasn't been eating well because of getting picked on, should I isolate her anyways? Does it look like this has gone too far to do something about? Are there any specific products or recommendations that folks can tell me?
Please and thank you for any info!


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Welcome to BYC. It looks like she might have been pecked in the eye or injured. The eye looks blind. Can you gently press around her eyelid to see if there is any pus around the eye?
Okay, I had to wait until I had reinforcement. We cuddled her and checked her eye. No pus. It definitely covers the entire exposed eye. It seems clean and like there's nothing stuck under it.
Will the bulge stay like that forever if she's blind?
Would it help to put drops in it? If so, what do you use for chickens?
It depends on what is causing the eye to be swollen. You can use Terramycin Eye Ointment twice a day in the eye, or if that is not available at feed stores, plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment, or Vetricyn eye gel twice a day in the eye.
Just wanted to post an update on the little hen.
She was worrying me because she would only feel safe enough to eat and drink when I was standing guard so she was gorging herself and her crop seemed huge. She went to a new, safe home with only two others. The three of them mostly stay away from each other, and she's turned into a sweet hen who likes people from this. She loves roosting, and I hope she is able to catch back up on weight with the others.
She's definitely blind, but doesn't have trouble anymore.

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