
Oct 2, 2020

About a week ago I made a post about red globs and intestinal lining in poop. After that, a few more birds had intestinal lining and no more red globs. I had a fecal float done that came back negative for worms or cocci, but I decided to worm anyways since it may not have shown up. About four days ago, two of my newish layers stopped laying (they started about two weeks ago? Maybe a week and a half). I don’t know if that’s normal or not. So today, after a few days of nothing in the poop, I found a poop with more red globs and lining. I don’t know what to do about it, I’m starting to get frustrated. My one hen that I suspect is the culprit is still acting a little off, but she’s also molting. If it isn’t worms, and it isn’t cocci, what else could it be?
I’ve removed my suspect hen from the flock and she did poop with a good amount of intestinal lining in it.
I found this in another thread:

Due to the roughness of their diet, a bird sheds the intestinal lining every few weeks

It seems to me that if no worms showed up in a vet's fecal float, then there are no worms. That test should find even worm eggs that would only be evident under a microscope. I don't think you're seeing anything to worry about.

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