A pagan girl from Europe


6 Years
Oct 30, 2017
A village in Hungary
Greetings to all of you!:frow

Finally I decided to become a member here, because so many times when I searched for something, I found useful things here. And also found things I could have answered, so I hope I will be able to help too sometimes.:)
(First of all, I would like to apologize for any grammar mistakes I might have. English is not exactly similar to my language, sometimes I think differently while building a sentence.:confused:)

I'm a 22 years old girl from Hungary. I live in a house in a small village with my mother. We're running a very small 'bio farm' here, but as we're about to become fully self-sustaining, we are planning to move as soon as possible to a bigger field, because it's only partially possible here.
I finished the schools, so finally I'm able to work on my field, and develop it full time. I'm not a social type, (and I have good reasons for that), I haven't left my field for a long time, only when it was absolutely necessary, so my only contact with the world of humans always was some kind of forum, I'm really glad to become the part of this one.(Sorry, people living far from others can become chatty sometimes.:duc )
I think I will try this template too!:D
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
After a long time, I have chickens and rabbits again, and will have many more animals soon. We had animals since I was born and even before (chickens too), but a short period of city life broke the line, and after moving to this house, the school and the field together had my hands full, and didn't have the time for farm animals. (I was breeding snakes and small rodents by that time. The experience with snake eggs helped me already with the chicks.)

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
Right now I have 13 babies, hatched by me (in an incubator of course:lol:). They're 13 weeks old at the moment.

(3) What breeds do you have?
As a pagan, providing and living the most natural life is very important to me, so I've decided to get native animals, who were 'made' to live here.
So my chicks are old hungarians, some of all colours that are still exists: yellow, speckled, white and partridge. They came from a gene bank as eggs.

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?
Found it while I was searching for ideas on constructing my chicken house.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I'm the kind of person who can't really sit for too long without doing anything, so I have many 'hobbies'. I say 'hobbies', because these are not really hobbies, these are things needed in a life if you doesn't want to visit shops, or just want to do everything on your own.:) I like crafting leather bags or anything of leather if needed, making jewelry out of strange things, sewing, tablet weaving, woodworking, chopping firewood, making hay and every other useful things that needs to be done. And I so wish to have a forge, that I will build after we can move to a new place.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I live with my mother, our dog, and a crazy cat. Also I have rabbits and the chicks of course.
My mother is working in the city, so I'm the one who will take care of most of the works on our little farm. I also have a beekeeper certificate, but after seeing so much cruelty during the course, I stopped thinking about it for now.(Of course I will not follow the practices seen there, and a friendly top-bar hive made by me is waiting in the garden already for the bee family to move in as soon as I feels to be ready. Also I'm worried about myself getting stung while working on the field, here I really can't place them far enough from disturbances.)
Next year my first sheep will arrive too, (as I will later make our own clothes) but unfortunately we have limited space now, so I can’t have every animal I’m planning now, and not the amount I’m planning. I will keep my chickens free in the backyard all day (bit more than 800 m2 with huge trees and bushes), but they have to wait a little longer for that, because they can still disappear easily. For now they have an hour or two outside with me, before sunset, to play and hunt insects.:wee

So I'm so happy to join finally, and really hope to become useful too.:)
Welcome to you, Rusalka. I'm glad to hear that you have such concern for the well being of the animals you keep, whether it be the chickens or bees. I have watched some others teach about their methods of dealing with bees in their hives and found it distasteful and unnecessarily cruel, too.

Its nice to meet another raiser of chickens who desires to live as naturally as possible, and it sounds like we have a fair bit in common because of that. I hope you will keep us updated on how your endeavors go with moving and setting up the new, larger place to accommodate more animals.

PS: After living in the jungle alone for extended periods of time, I can relate to the "getting chatty" thing, haha!
Hi Rusalka, welcome and thanks for your very interesting introduction. Don't worry about your English, we talk chicken here and grammar and syntax don't mean a thing :) (your English is excellent, by the way).

I wish you the best of luck with moving to a larger place, where you can fulfil you wishes of being fully self-sustaining.

Best wishes
Pork Pie
Welcome to you, Rusalka. I'm glad to hear that you have such concern for the well being of the animals you keep, whether it be the chickens or bees. I have watched some others teach about their methods of dealing with bees in their hives and found it distasteful and unnecessarily cruel, too.

Its nice to meet another raiser of chickens who desires to live as naturally as possible, and it sounds like we have a fair bit in common because of that. I hope you will keep us updated on how your endeavors go with moving and setting up the new, larger place to accommodate more animals.

PS: After living in the jungle alone for extended periods of time, I can relate to the "getting chatty" thing, haha!

Thank you! So great to meet people like you just in some minutes! I already love this site:D
Unfortunately beekeeping here is absolutely about the money, at least for the ones at the course, and they really don't care about the bees or plants or anything else. Poor bees got great doses of chemicals during the time of the course's lessons, were handled without respect and to teach us to mark the queens, we had to exercise on drones, then we were forced to kill them. Saddest of all, they killed them without any defiance, and when I said no, a student crushed the poor drone between my own fingers... Needless to say, had my hands shaking for a whole day. I butcher my own animals (with great care to do it with respect, as fast as possible and therefore painless), but I hate to kill without reason, and wouldn't do it myself. Sad to see that many others doesn't care about a life that seems to be 'useless' for them.

I really hope we can move soon, and I will surely write about it:) And until that, I will develop this field as much as I can. I'm already full of stories.:D

So true, I never was the chatty type, but after some time, I started to talk all day to myself and the animals, and when I write, I write a lot:p
Hi Rusalka, welcome and thanks for your very interesting introduction. Don't worry about your English, we talk chicken here and grammar and syntax don't mean a thing :) (your English is excellent, by the way).

I wish you the best of luck with moving to a larger place, where you can fulfil you wishes of being fully self-sustaining.

Best wishes
Pork Pie

Thank you very much! And I'm glad I'm not as bad as I thought:p
Thank you for wishing me luck, I really hope to reach this soon, and until that, I will develop the actual one as much as I can:D

Best wishes to you!

Hi Rusalka, thank you for joining us! I'm looking forward to reading about your self-sustaining projects.

This link will take you to the forum where others interested in providing for themselves post their experiences and questions:
DIY / Self Sufficiency

BYC also has a sister site you may be interested in:

Best wishes to you!

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