A wool hen - creating one today


Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
15 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
I am expecting chicks soon. I do not have electricity to the coop, and my dear and patient hubby is not a fan of chicks in the house. For years I have used broody hens, but coons put an end to that for now. So today I am taking some chicken wire, leftover wool yarn, a cooler and seeing what I can come up with.

At first I was a bit dubious of this idea, but really if people can ship day old chicks, and they do this all the time, and those chicks most often arrive alive, this should work. However, I am going to try it in my garage first, where I can check on them frequently the first couple of nights.

Love BYC - get such great ideas here.

Yesterday, spent the day cleaning up the coop, starting with new bedding, getting rid of a shed that I think enabled the predators. Things will be fresh for basically a start over flock.

Mrs K
I will certainly be interested to hear how it goes. I recently read about the use of a wool hen on this site and found it interesting. You will have to let me know how it goes and how it works out for you. I'm jealous of you getting new chicks, do you want to share what kind you are getting?
I am getting a surprise from Sandhills Preservation. I have always liked a mixed flock best. Suppose to be a minimum of 6 breeds, straight run. I am getting 25 chicks, which is quite a few. In fact, I am considering needing two wool hens.

I don't have it built quite yet, need to get on with it.

I will probably keep them in the garage for a few days, there I can have electricity if needed. However, the days have been very warm, and the nights are still well above freezing.

Experimenting is always fun.

Mrs K

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