Abdominal swellings in 1.5 year old hen


In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2023
I have a 1.5ish year old RIR hen that has developed swellings. I was wondering about as it’s, but she’s so young. Also, it almost seems that there are two swellings with one of them being the smaller, redder area. She seems normal otherwise. Red combs, normal stance. She hasn’t been laying often, but I was thinking she might be molting. Her vent appears normal. She had some poop stuck to her feathers, but I think that might have been because her distended abdomen.

Any thoughts on what this could be?


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Does that swelling feel firm or feel like there's fluid in there?

There's a possibility of this being ascites/water belly.

But in case it's not...and since you said she's acting normally, are they on all flock or a layer feed? Do they get much for treats?

I ask because it could be digestive system-related. I would try some probiotics, as that is great for their digestive systems. I have a young chick with issues just like that, and probiotics are helping. I'm giving this little one Hydro-Hen powder in the water every other day.
It doesn’t feel sloshy but it does have some give to it. It’s not hard.

They get all flock and have access to oyster shells and eggshells. They gets various treats (spinach, sprouted lentils, Fly Fiesta, scratch [corn, oats, sunflower seeds, flax millet]. We mixed a big batch of scratch and now I’m wondering if there’s a possibility something could be wrong with it. Maybe we’ll stop it for a few weeks and see what happens.

That’s a good idea about the probiotics! I have some Greek yogurt and sourdough starter and I think some hydro hen. Thank you!!
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It’s the thigh/belly/rump. Her left leg is down and her right leg is held up in the towel.

We trimmed some of the feathers under her vent since they were getting poop on them. We noticed feather loss from a rooster earlier this year, but that seems to be getting better. I didn’t see any evidence of mites/lice and she doesn’t seem broody. No feather picking that I’ve noticed.

I haven’t checked her crop, but I can do that tomorrow when I have daylight.
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Does it seem like more of an abscess or fluid, or air under the skin? I thought the red might have been her crop, and they can peck out their own feathers if there is some problem with the crop. Was the crop empty this morning before she ate or drank?
I checked her crop this morning and it felt normal and small.

I don’t think it feels like air. I’m not totally sure what an abscess feels like, but it feels firm (but not hard). It doesn’t feel like what I suspect fluid would feel like.

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