ADDED More Photos, hen C: New Chicken Mom Seeks Breed Identification


Apr 30, 2017
Southern Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
I have a flock of six and not a definite breed determination for at least four of my hens. My original two can be seen in the images below. I apologize for the grainy quality...I had to screenshot from a video. I am fairly certain the hen on the left, let's call her hen A, Anna, is a Buff Orpington. The hen on the right, hen B, Lady Mary, is black with highlights of green on the feathers of her back. The reddish brown color on her breast does not appear elsewhere on her body. I've done a ton of breed searches online and the closest guess, (from the multitude of breeds,) is a Black Sex Link. The neighbor we got them from did not know their breeds either. Both lay a light to medium brown egg.

The following four hens are also guesses, but the person we got them from gave us an idea of at least two. Hen C, the top hen, Lady Sybil, I guessed a Copper Black Maran as the farmer told us she will lay very dark chocolate eggs. We were told hens D and E, Lady Edith and Mrs. Patmore, were Rhode Island Reds. Lastly, we're guessing hen F, Daisy, is a Barred Plymouth Rock. These four pullets have not begun laying yet.

This photo shows them to a different, but not necessarily better, advantage. Hen C is on top, hens D and E are center, and hen F is bottom.

I appreciate any assistance I can get from experienced chicken folk on getting a positive, or more positive ID, on my hens' breeds and welcome ALL suggestions. Even if someone has posted an answer, please feel free to add your thoughts/verifications. Thanks in advance!

Side note: It's pouring down rain here, but I can try to get a better picture of each hen individually at a later point if that proves more helpful.

Here are more photos of hen C, Lady Sybil, to help with breed identification. The bottom right shows the two we believe are Rhode Island Reds, but could they be Red Sex Links? According to the farmer, this hen is supposed to lay dark chocolate eggs, (she hasn't started laying yet,) and she differs from hen B in that her red/brown feathers are on her entire head, breast and even slightly into her wing area whereas the red/brown on hen B is only on the chest.

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The first two pics are a Buff Orpington(The gold one ) and Black Seclink the black one with red specks.

In the third pic looks like two Rhode Island reds,the brown two,and the spotted one looks like a Barred rock,snd the black one looks like another Black sexlink
It seems like hen C, Sybil, is the one most difficult to identify. Her entire head, neck and breast have the reddish brown stripes/speckles and the rest of her body is entirely black. She does not have the same green iridescence on her back feathers as hen B, which has been identified as a BSL. Also, she reportedly will lay dark chocolate eggs which is a trait of the Maran. I will try to get a better photo of her and add it to my original post so identification may be a little easier. Thank you, TheTwoRoos, for your help.

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