Adding a hen


Nov 1, 2024
I had eight pullets and now have a rescued hen as well. She had been with three other hens previously.
Right now it has been a week and I have the hen in one coop/run and I have the pullets in a different coop/run. the birds can see each other but there’s a double fence inbetween them.
Do you think there is a possibility that they could all be together one day. I’m wondering how long it would take for the chickens to accept each other. Or maybe that’s not possible. I’ve never had chickens before.
They have seen each other through the fence and the new hen was trying to peck at the pullets. They seemed a little scared and I’ve also seen them pecking at each other through the fence a little bit. Other times they just look at each other. Other times, they don’t seem to notice each other. Any advice or thoughts. Thanks.
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There are a lot of things to address. Space and how the space is set up is probably the most important. A lot of space in the run is important, but not a wide open, every bird can see every other bird 100% of the time. A cluttered run, with roosts, mini walls, hide outs, platforms that birds can get up on, or underneath, wind breaks, shelters, multiple feed bowls can make a huge difference.

The age and size of the pullets and hen. If there is a huge difference in the size, such as a full grown bird and chicks 2-6 weeks there are a lot of ways to make escapes that the big bird cannot pursue chicks, they can escape. A pallet laid flat on the ground, and then raised slightly off the ground, so the chicks can get under it. An area sectioned off, with a fence a few inches off the ground can be a safety area.

Some people just keep them separate until the pullets begin to lay. They are nearly full grown then and can hold their own.

Mrs K

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