Adding to flock


Oct 8, 2024
I had a small flock and we lost a few. My hen hatched eggs and now we have 2 roosters and 2 hens. I am concerned that as my roosters mature 2 hens will not be enough for 2 roosters. So I am looking to increase my flock. I am concerned about integrating new hens into the mix. Should I add the same breed since they are a docile breed or does it matter and what is the best way to eventually have peace with in the flock.
I would caution against adding birds from another person into your flock. If you are longtime friends and see their birds to know they are healthy and have no contagious diseases, it might be safe. Many can bring in a contagious respiratory disease or even something like Mareks. All it takes is one carrier. It is much safer to get healthy baby chicks from a hatchery or feed store. Many people sell chicks or pullets for money, but that doesn’t mean that they are not carriers, or have lice or mites. If you do add chickens observe them for any symptoms, and keep them quarantined for at least a month. I would separate the roosters or at least one of them. They can live separately. I have kept a roster with one or two hens, but they were very meek faverolles. If you are lucky enough to have a broody hen, you can collect some of your own fertilized eggs and hatch your own chicks. Keep baby chicks separated from adults until they are similar in size.
If you have docile birds adding other docile birds would probably be for the best. How easy/difficult it would be to add new birds would depend on the amount of space in your set up (both coop and run (or yard area)) and how well you space out other resources like feeders. But to have peace in the flock the reality is you probably want to only keep one male at most.

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