Advice for building roost in run.


5 Years
Aug 25, 2018
My small coop is falling apart, I have 3 hens & 1 rooster know want to get some more hens, but coop only holds 4 . My small flock I rescued and so they sleep on top of coop NOT inside. I am going to put metal roofing around bottom , but short enough they can still see over , add more sand . I have metal nest boxes w/legs , just trying to figure out how to make and attach some roost bars. I'm in NC so hardly ever get snow or cold winters , I bought thick clear shower curtains I place in front here and down left side to keep wind off them. I've been a chicken keeper for 15 years know with no issues. Here is a pick of my 10 × 20 dog kennel panels run.

I added roost bars in my run to help add more usable space for them - they ended up preferring those to sleep on instead of inside the actual coop shelter year-round, lol. I used 2-4" diameter tree branches and attached them to the walls/structure.

To add bars to your fencing I'd likely use plumber's tape/hanger strap looped around the metal and screw to the wood bars. I'd suggest the same to anchor that roof structure to the fencing frame, as I don't see any connection there aside from gravity.

I know you mention 15yrs without issues, but personally I'd add some hardware cloth to that lower chain link fencing. My old coop was setup by previous owners with 2x2 fencing and our 1st year we discovered raccoons could reach through it and yank....

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