Advice on broody hen and baby rooster


Dec 3, 2023
Howdy! Whats your guys advice on how to introduce a baby rooster to my super broody hen. She went broody over three weeks ago she only leaves her eggs to eat or dust bath or at times I’ve had to force her out so she doesn’t starve lol. We don’t have any roosters so obviously the eggs aren't fertilized but I just got a 3 day old baby rooster today. He’s on his own unfortunately so I would love to put him under her but I’m terrified! I’m seeing the best time to do this is at night and make sure super early next morning everything’s going ok but I’m so scared something bad might happen before the sun comes up and I’m not there to protect him! Do I need to separate them if she takes him from the rest of the flock? She’s at the bottom of the pecking order too I might add. Should I put her in a kennel then try putting him under her so the other hens don’t try anything? Much advice needed especially if you have had success with broody hens! 😊
No matter what you do there are going to be risks. That is the way it is with living animals. Nothing comes with a guarantee.

If you want her to raise him I'd do as you said, put him under her tonight after dark and check tomorrow morning. Do not move her until she has accepted him. She might not accept the move which would mean almost certain failure.

I hate that it is a single chick. At some point she will wean him and leave him on his own with the flock. Most hens will not let a young chick near them so he may be in for a lonely life as he grows up. I know it is late today and at his age he needs to go under her. Is there any way you could find some more baby chicks to add to him?

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