Advice on caring for late fall ducklings

Bird Mama 6

In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2024
Decatur, NE
I have 2 Rouen/Khaki Campbell ducklings that hatched Oct 13, 2024 (unplanned) and we live in plant-zone 5a. They are fully feathered and look like a Rouen including being larger birds. Foster Mom abandoned care and the other ducks were biting at the ducklings so I brought them in the house. In the coup outside I have 3 adults; 1 Rouen drake, 1 Khaki Campbell hen and 1 Cayuga hen. I'm using the deep litter method for the 6.5' x 9' coop floor, alternating chopped straw, pine shavings and dried leaves. I don't use supplemental heat but do tarp the top and 3 sides of the coop. 4 sides if rain or snow are forecasted. The coup is a frame covered top, bottom and all 4 sides in 1/4" mesh. A 3' x 2' raised resin dog house with no door and deep litter is their 'nest'. Our weather is windy and temps have been up and down. Humidity has been high off and on. The lowest overnight low to date was 8F but January can get to -20F to -25F for 3-7 days. I can keep the ducklings in the house for as long as needed but would like to move them outside as soon as it is safe for them. The ducklings are living in 69F temps with little fluctuation so I have concerns about how to adapt them to the cold when I get ready to move them.

When would you recommend moving them to the duck coop and how would you address adapting them to the cold? (I'll keep them separate from the adults until they get used to one other by using a large wire dog kennel and small resin dog house inside the kennel.)
If fully feathered then getting them acclimated to your outside temps isn’t going to be easy since they are in 69degrees constantly. Do you have a garage or porch that’s enclosed with out heat? You’ll have to gradually get them used to this temps so keeping them at lower temps is the way to do it. As long as they are fully feathered. Or keep them inside until your temps begin to moderate which might be spring lol.
If fully feathered then getting them acclimated to your outside temps isn’t going to be easy since they are in 69degrees constantly. Do you have a garage or porch that’s enclosed with out heat? You’ll have to gradually get them used to this temps so keeping them at lower temps is the way to do it. As long as they are fully feathered. Or keep them inside until your temps begin to moderate which might be spring lol.
Thank you for your input. Looks like I'll have them in the house until spring. The garage is insulated but still gets very cold. They've been skittish but are starting to warm up to me. Maybe they'll be sitting in my lap by April/May. :)

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