Advice please (sour crop)


Sep 24, 2020
So my Silky I believe has sour crop. Crop is big and squishy I put a tiny bit of pressure on it and she threw up liquid (yes it smelled) she does have an appetite. Ok so I hear you can give them Monistat and a CS please advise on how to give Monistat and how much and where I can find ACS and any other advice you may give me this is the first time I’ve had to deal with this, and this is my main girl, my precious princess.. thank you all
So my Silky I believe has sour crop. Crop is big and squishy I put a tiny bit of pressure on it and she threw up liquid (yes it smelled) she does have an appetite. Ok so I hear you can give them Monistat and a CS please advise on how to give Monistat and how much and where I can find ACS and any other advice you may give me this is the first time I’ve had to deal with this, and this is my main girl, my precious princess.. thank you all
Look up the title Sour Crop. There is a ton of great advise. First separate her and no food or water for 24 hrs and lightly massage her crop to get it moving. If it doesn't empty that you'll need to give her antibiotics for yeast. There is a couple articles on here that helped me out.
Hi everyone I'm dealing with my first case of sour crop 😣 sobthe hen was acting lethargic with a full crop. This did clear eventually when I brought her in to a cage. I was treating her with miconazole and she was doing great. Empty crop every morning and acting normal all of a sudden the crop just stopped emptying and was filled with fluid. She was like that for 3 days before I had to take her to the vet who emptied the crop for me. She was instantly feeling better once the fluid was gone. I brought her home gave her a tablespoon of mash pellets and I went back to work for 3 hours and her crop was full of fluid again. It didnt seem like she drank a lot of water as I keep a small water container in the cage that hold 250ml and it was barley touched. I ended up in the vet again the next day. And between both vet trips it cost me 500 euro. The vet gave me, antibiotic, anti fungal and a digestive stimulant. I gave her some anti inflammatory aswell and the crop started working again for a couple of days. She was eating well and her crop was empty every morning. Over the weekend the nystatin and antibiotic was finished and I let her out to free range with the rest of the hens for a bit and by Sunday evening her crop was full of fluid and she was looking miserable again.

Any ideas what's going on? Dies the sour crop cause the fluid to sit in the crop or is there an impaction. When her crop isn't full of fluid she seems herself not like any underlying issues going on.

I believe she may have had some grass impacting the crop to begin with and there was a hard ball of grass in one of her poos very compacted together

Did she get more grass stuck over the weekend?

Do I need to put her back on nystatin again? Or at this stage do I need to consider surgery? I was quoted between 300 and 500 for surgery. I by no means can afford it but she is one of the favourite chooks so I don't want to lose her.

Was I just impatient in her recovery? I k ow an impaction causes sour crop but I don't know if sour crop without an impaction can cause fluid yo sit in the crop. There is absolutely nothing solid to be felt in the crop. I'm not sure what I can do
Hi everyone I'm dealing with my first case of sour crop 😣 sobthe hen was acting lethargic with a full crop. This did clear eventually when I brought her in to a cage. I was treating her with miconazole and she was doing great. Empty crop every morning and acting normal all of a sudden the crop just stopped emptying and was filled with fluid. She was like that for 3 days before I had to take her to the vet who emptied the crop for me. She was instantly feeling better once the fluid was gone. I brought her home gave her a tablespoon of mash pellets and I went back to work for 3 hours and her crop was full of fluid again. It didnt seem like she drank a lot of water as I keep a small water container in the cage that hold 250ml and it was barley touched. I ended up in the vet again the next day. And between both vet trips it cost me 500 euro. The vet gave me, antibiotic, anti fungal and a digestive stimulant. I gave her some anti inflammatory aswell and the crop started working again for a couple of days. She was eating well and her crop was empty every morning. Over the weekend the nystatin and antibiotic was finished and I let her out to free range with the rest of the hens for a bit and by Sunday evening her crop was full of fluid and she was looking miserable again.

Any ideas what's going on? Dies the sour crop cause the fluid to sit in the crop or is there an impaction. When her crop isn't full of fluid she seems herself not like any underlying issues going on.

I believe she may have had some grass impacting the crop to begin with and there was a hard ball of grass in one of her poos very compacted together

Did she get more grass stuck over the weekend?

Do I need to put her back on nystatin again? Or at this stage do I need to consider surgery? I was quoted between 300 and 500 for surgery. I by no means can afford it but she is one of the favourite chooks so I don't want to lose her.

Was I just impatient in her recovery? I k ow an impaction causes sour crop but I don't know if sour crop without an impaction can cause fluid yo sit in the crop. There is absolutely nothing solid to be felt in the crop. I'm not sure what I can do
There is more than likely a block in the gizzard. Some people like myself will use 1mL on pineapple juice (100%, the can is best). It clears them right out. She'll have the runs for a day cause it's eats the bacteria. HOWEVER, you can't give them more than 1 within 72 hours or the acidity will eat their crop. So only 1 shot deal. Just do straight warm chick feed the day after. (Should look like a watery mess, but just food and water). If that doesn't work than you'll probably have to see the vet and get a complete flush done for the babe!
I've already had the crop flushed twice 🙈 as it was full of fluid and she hadn't eaten in days. The next step is surgery but I'd like to try the mycostatin one more this. Her crop was empty fine for a few days while she was getting the mycostatin but then a couple days after that was finished it ballooned up again. She was also on antibiotic at the same time and maybe that messed up the bacteria in the crop enough to let the fungal infection to set back in. I'm hesitant to give her any flushes as the liquid just sits in the crop I don't want to leave anything like that sitting in her crop. I'm wondering if the mycostatin also knocks off the pH of the crop is it just a viscous cycle. It was an arm and a leg to get the crop emptied twice if I'm going back to the vet again I will definitely be looking at surgery cause I can't keep getting thr crop emptied for it to go back the sane again. She is just on mashed pellets and water with pro biotics at the minutes. I just want to know if this is normal sour crop. Does the infection cause the crop to be balloon like full of liquid or is it more likely an impaction. But she is still passing poop
I've already had the crop flushed twice 🙈 as it was full of fluid and she hadn't eaten in days. The next step is surgery but I'd like to try the mycostatin one more this. Her crop was empty fine for a few days while she was getting the mycostatin but then a couple days after that was finished it ballooned up again. She was also on antibiotic at the same time and maybe that messed up the bacteria in the crop enough to let the fungal infection to set back in. I'm hesitant to give her any flushes as the liquid just sits in the crop I don't want to leave anything like that sitting in her crop. I'm wondering if the mycostatin also knocks off the pH of the crop is it just a viscous cycle. It was an arm and a leg to get the crop emptied twice if I'm going back to the vet again I will definitely be looking at surgery cause I can't keep getting thr crop emptied for it to go back the sane again. She is just on mashed pellets and water with pro biotics at the minutes. I just want to know if this is normal sour crop. Does the infection cause the crop to be balloon like full of liquid or is it more likely an impaction. But she is still passing poop
So unfortunately, you have a kid with a problem crop; this is probably gonna be a battle for the rest of her life. I've had one with a crop like that and it was a battle her whole life but she lived to be almost five years old. Did they by chance take x rays to see if there was a blockage down lower? Flush is sometimes don't get it all out. And the bacteria will regrow, so it's always good to do a little bit of plain yogurt with active or alive cultures in it after antibiotics. So the last day of their antibiotics, you do the yogurt after and it puts the good bacteria back into their crop. So in all honesty, I would visit the vet again to get an X-ray if that.Hadn't been done to make sure there isn't a blockage lower first. If the X-ray has been done and it didn't show a blockage than you may just have reoccurring sour crop like my girl did.

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