Last year I lost my cockerel, Harry to a fox attack. It was horrendous to say the least. He was five years old and looked after my last two hens, who are now 4 and 6. They too were mortified by what happened. They have always been free range but after that I restricted where they went. Anyway, in my upset state and in memory of Harry, I decided to incubate some eggs and 3 out of 20 hatched. They all turned out to be roosters! From Harry with Love!? I did loads of reading up on them and what to expect, which is pretty much what I thought, unfortunately. However, up until this week they have all got on relatively well and have been quite inseparable. If one wasn't there they would go and find them. We've had a few feathers flying and squawking but nothing major. The girls were introduced to them when they were 3 weeks old and they have all lived together in the same run since the boys were 10 weeks old. At 14 - 16 weeks they went into the same coop at night with the girls and they all have slept together, in there, since. Unfortunately today has been an absolute nightmare as two of the boys have decided to fight like hell! It has been going on all day. I separated them. I put the one that seems to have been the boss from the start in with the two girls and left the other two together. I split their free range area and that was that. Peace again. The boy with the girls was quite upset that he couldn't be with the other boys and the other boys were upset they weren't with him. They've spent all afternoon making strange crying screeching noises but every time they got near each other, they started fighting again. It seemed to be more the other one starting it rather than the boss roo. They have made a real mess of each other and I feel I've spent all day cleaning their wounds. At bed time the girls wanted to go in at their normal time, so I put them in and put the boss roo in with them. Generally the 3 boys would just roam around after the girls had gone to bed but today I put the boss roo to bed with them. He and the other one then started fighting through the mesh of the run! I put the boss roo to bed and the other two came into the run and started running round and round the coop because they couldn't get in and the other one was inside. In the end I put the other two to bed in another coop. Then all hell let loose when all three started screeching and crowing for the next hour! I finally gave in and went and let the other two into the coop where boss roo and the girls were. They went inside, sat down and all went to sleep. It's crazy! What am I going to do? Can anyone give me some advice please - apart from the obvious, which I am not going to do! I am happy to keep them separated like I've done today but they confuse the hell out of me by seemingly being stressed because they're not together but when they are, they fight. Will they stop fighting? Is it a spring thing? If the one with the girls ends up on his own (as the girls are getting on a bit) will he ever be able to be with the other two boys again without fighting? What can I do to make sure they all have good lives? It's so hard
Any advice will be greatly received. Many thanks.