African Goose Is Henpecked


May 26, 2024
We have a mixed flock of 10 chickens and two female African geese & a couple runner ducks who were all raised in the flock with zero issues until this, their second summer. Everyone is laying and at least one broody hen has gotten violent. Two mornings ago we noticed a peck wound beside her eye and it has escalated since to bare patches on her head and neck and three peck-wounds washed out with hydrogen peroxide & q-tip dabbed w triple antibiotic.
We’ve found goose eggs to be unexpectedly wonderful and the birds are (noise aside) delightful creatures so we’d like a solution short of rehoming. We’re assuming it’s nesting proximity but Goosifer is a snuggler and apparently hasn’t taken the hint to back off whoever is picking on her. Her sister, Goostav, is unaffected. Thoughts?


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