I find this to be very helpful for my situation. It would become a permanent solution. I appreciate the explanation on how to accomplish this.IMO you need to add more organics and in a variety of coarseness. Personally I think arborist wood chips are perhaps the best starter material for runs that aren't sand and cleaned daily. I would also add the straw, some shavings, leaves, hardwood pellets, or whatever other organic materials you have access to. For locations where the surrounding terrain gets saturated, you need enough material in the run to elevate the ground level above the water. In winter the bedding can be moist, it may heat up a tad and keep them warmer in the winter too, but it will break down from moisture and in the spring you may have some good soil there to transfer into a hot composting setup...or just leave it and keep topping off with more organics over time. The run bedding will essentially be similar to a forest floor with high organic content; if moist it will attract insects and worms for the flock to forage through when they're stuck inside a cage all day. Good luck.