Hey all,
We have rescued BBB turkeys from being eaten at Xmas. This year we rescued Agatha, a female. All of a sudden she has become very aggressive towards us. She is now 1yr old and has the company of our old 5yr old tom turkey and 4 hens. We are not sure why this has happened and despite showering her with love she is constantly trying to bite us. Any ideas as we have had to separate her from the flock as she started to attack our big tom boy George who is too old to fight back
We have rescued BBB turkeys from being eaten at Xmas. This year we rescued Agatha, a female. All of a sudden she has become very aggressive towards us. She is now 1yr old and has the company of our old 5yr old tom turkey and 4 hens. We are not sure why this has happened and despite showering her with love she is constantly trying to bite us. Any ideas as we have had to separate her from the flock as she started to attack our big tom boy George who is too old to fight back