I've been reading all the posts have to say thank you for all the help and support it has brought me...
I do have a major problem and don't quiet know how to resolve.
We stay on a farm.
The workers down the way has 3 roosters and got another, which ran away from them and landed in our windowsill we were reluctant to keep him and tried to return him but he would run back, they also agreed that we should keep him at the other roosters fight with him, we eventually grew attached with this new noise maker in our windowsill from 03h00am every morning. We assumed he was young as he hardly had spurs. After a month, we decided he may be lonely as he just doesn't stop crowing.
So I asked the people to buy me a hen from another farm, which was done so Dora and Ticktok became an item. They adjusted well and were everywhere together and seemed happy. They totally free range and I feed then 3 times a day. Dora didn't have any back feathers and her wing was damaged, she seemed to be an older chicken and sceptical around people and bolts and moans if you come close, but we just keep talking to her and she just hides behind ticktok. She laid eggs for just over a month after being here and for about 2 months non stop. Then she started skipping and laying them in wierd places and then eventually stopped. But goes in every day to "lay an egg". We have had ticktok 6 months now and Dora 5. Ticktok spurs have grown and are becoming sharp so we assume he is nearing year old now. About a week ago Dora has started hiding from him and still avoiding everyone. If we get close she puts up a scene and he then protects her by chasing her away from us aggressively and then jumps on her which makes her screem even more. It's getting worse now and she hides all the time but he watches her like a hawlk, she can't eat or drink then he jumps her then one night she decided not to get into the coop where they sleep together. So I decided to lear her into the coop and close it so she was away from him. She seemed ok with this after the first night but called the next day, so I thought she was unhappy. I noticed that she had some dry poop stuck on her vent and thought maybe she had something wrong after reading all the cleaning and stuff I decided to do the cleanup she wasn't happy sharing the coop with me but settled once I got her cought with a towel and secured her feathers I cleaned her rear, trimmed the feathers and placed Vaseline on the skin, I didn't cut to much to leave the skin exposed so she be OK. I then let her out the coop to rejoin ticktok to see if the 3 days apart would have subdued the situation but it's worse now. He just keeps shunting her around and doesn't leave her side, she can't eat or drink anything even when we corner him off and feed her, she barely ate but shouts blue murder when we go anywhere near her which tenses him up. I seriously don't know what to do. I feel it inhumaine to keep her locked in the coop and don't know what to do.
I have asked everyone I know around us if they won't be interested in taking her in or even ticktok for that matter but not both together. No one has even replied to me so no one is interested, besides the workers which we all know for what reason they would want them, but I can't get it over my hart to think they will be someone's dinner the next night.
Can anyone give me some suggestions please as I'm hopelessly lost and totally depressed. I'm a huge animal lover and find this so sad to see the abuse and can't imagine how it must feel hating people and being stuck with an aggressive partner ...I pitty her so as I can see she is so unhappy but I can't do anything as she dislikes us humans too and me even more since her vent clean up...
Ticktok is also becoming more sceptical around us which I can only imagine it's because he thinks we are hurting Dora which really isn't the case we tread litely around them both. It's upsetting the whole family already as I'm depressed and a nervous wreck around them.
Any suggestions will really be appreciated please
Just went to check if they ok but he's in the coop and she's hiding somewhere in the yard sleeping
I've been reading all the posts have to say thank you for all the help and support it has brought me...
I do have a major problem and don't quiet know how to resolve.
We stay on a farm.
The workers down the way has 3 roosters and got another, which ran away from them and landed in our windowsill we were reluctant to keep him and tried to return him but he would run back, they also agreed that we should keep him at the other roosters fight with him, we eventually grew attached with this new noise maker in our windowsill from 03h00am every morning. We assumed he was young as he hardly had spurs. After a month, we decided he may be lonely as he just doesn't stop crowing.
So I asked the people to buy me a hen from another farm, which was done so Dora and Ticktok became an item. They adjusted well and were everywhere together and seemed happy. They totally free range and I feed then 3 times a day. Dora didn't have any back feathers and her wing was damaged, she seemed to be an older chicken and sceptical around people and bolts and moans if you come close, but we just keep talking to her and she just hides behind ticktok. She laid eggs for just over a month after being here and for about 2 months non stop. Then she started skipping and laying them in wierd places and then eventually stopped. But goes in every day to "lay an egg". We have had ticktok 6 months now and Dora 5. Ticktok spurs have grown and are becoming sharp so we assume he is nearing year old now. About a week ago Dora has started hiding from him and still avoiding everyone. If we get close she puts up a scene and he then protects her by chasing her away from us aggressively and then jumps on her which makes her screem even more. It's getting worse now and she hides all the time but he watches her like a hawlk, she can't eat or drink then he jumps her then one night she decided not to get into the coop where they sleep together. So I decided to lear her into the coop and close it so she was away from him. She seemed ok with this after the first night but called the next day, so I thought she was unhappy. I noticed that she had some dry poop stuck on her vent and thought maybe she had something wrong after reading all the cleaning and stuff I decided to do the cleanup she wasn't happy sharing the coop with me but settled once I got her cought with a towel and secured her feathers I cleaned her rear, trimmed the feathers and placed Vaseline on the skin, I didn't cut to much to leave the skin exposed so she be OK. I then let her out the coop to rejoin ticktok to see if the 3 days apart would have subdued the situation but it's worse now. He just keeps shunting her around and doesn't leave her side, she can't eat or drink anything even when we corner him off and feed her, she barely ate but shouts blue murder when we go anywhere near her which tenses him up. I seriously don't know what to do. I feel it inhumaine to keep her locked in the coop and don't know what to do.
I have asked everyone I know around us if they won't be interested in taking her in or even ticktok for that matter but not both together. No one has even replied to me so no one is interested, besides the workers which we all know for what reason they would want them, but I can't get it over my hart to think they will be someone's dinner the next night.
Can anyone give me some suggestions please as I'm hopelessly lost and totally depressed. I'm a huge animal lover and find this so sad to see the abuse and can't imagine how it must feel hating people and being stuck with an aggressive partner ...I pitty her so as I can see she is so unhappy but I can't do anything as she dislikes us humans too and me even more since her vent clean up...
Ticktok is also becoming more sceptical around us which I can only imagine it's because he thinks we are hurting Dora which really isn't the case we tread litely around them both. It's upsetting the whole family already as I'm depressed and a nervous wreck around them.
Any suggestions will really be appreciated please
Just went to check if they ok but he's in the coop and she's hiding somewhere in the yard sleeping

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