Air bubble in developing egg?


6 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Southern California
I discovered something odd when candling a couple of days ago. One of my developing eggs has what appears to be an air bubble in it. I noticed it when I first candled on day 5 -- today is day 7 and it is larger. When I turn the egg, the bubble moves with it on the top, appearing to push veins as it goes. The embryo inside is alive and moving. The egg is unusually porous (I did not candle before setting the eggs, which I probably should have). I don't think it has anything to do with the air cell because I can still see that at the top of the egg where it belongs. What do you think it is? I took a video of it today (day 7).

Interested also to see if this egg will hatch!
Was this egg shipped? If an egg is agitated a lot, like in transit, the air cell can become loose or rupture, causing an air bubble like that.

ive had this happen many times with shipped eggs. They can still hatch — no guarantee though.
Nope, this was one of my own eggs. It was 4 days old when set, and it was laid by a hen who came down with an infection 5 days later. I am not sure if that has anything to do with it though. All of the eggs were stored with the air cell pointing up, were kept on a 45 degree angle and turned 3 times a day.
I agree with Xouie, looks like a detached air cell. Can you see an air cell in the fat end of the egg in question?
Watching, interesting thread.
I love the farting comment 😂

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