In the Brooder
- Mar 19, 2024
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Hello everyone, I'm Enrique but yall can call me Rick. About a month ago I found an incubator (styrofoam) at a dumpster, brought it home and tested it but didn't work ( it was the digital kind ), I ordered the waffle thermostat from ebay and installed it with two 75 wat light bulbs and a small computer fan and worked perfectly with temp 99-100 according to a digital thermometer I also ordered for $5.....
...Anyways I collected some eggs of my flock and set them up on the 7th of Oct and started hatching yesterday. I got 3 Marans roosters 1 French Black Copper Maran, 1 French Black Maran, and 1 Midnight Majesty Maran. The two French marans are offsprings of some dark brown eggs I ordered on last Nov and I hatched 3 out of 6 eggs but one died. The Midnight Majesty is the only one left from an order I placed from Hoover back in Dec. Anyway I've got a flock of around 100 hens I've ordered thru this year that consist of different breeds but are not laying yet so I depend on my 10 layers I have which consist of 3 EE, 2 Welsummers, 2 Turkens, 2 ISA's, and 1 Silverlaced Wyandotte. I set up 15 eggs and 12 have hatched but all black in color regardless of different feather color of all my hens!!!!! Not even one naked neck came out neither....