All my hatched babies came out black.....


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2024
Hello everyone, I'm Enrique but yall can call me Rick. About a month ago I found an incubator (styrofoam) at a dumpster, brought it home and tested it but didn't work ( it was the digital kind ), I ordered the waffle thermostat from ebay and installed it with two 75 wat light bulbs and a small computer fan and worked perfectly with temp 99-100 according to a digital thermometer I also ordered for $5.....😁...Anyways I collected some eggs of my flock and set them up on the 7th of Oct and started hatching yesterday. I got 3 Marans roosters 1 French Black Copper Maran, 1 French Black Maran, and 1 Midnight Majesty Maran. The two French marans are offsprings of some dark brown eggs I ordered on last Nov and I hatched 3 out of 6 eggs but one died. The Midnight Majesty is the only one left from an order I placed from Hoover back in Dec. Anyway I've got a flock of around 100 hens I've ordered thru this year that consist of different breeds but are not laying yet so I depend on my 10 layers I have which consist of 3 EE, 2 Welsummers, 2 Turkens, 2 ISA's, and 1 Silverlaced Wyandotte. I set up 15 eggs and 12 have hatched but all black in color regardless of different feather color of all my hens!!!!! Not even one naked neck came out neither....😂.
Great job fixing the incubator and for your hatch!
All black chicks for me too this year.
My rooster is a dark wheaten Americana and my hens are mixed with everything and are all colors... still all black chicks?
Oh well!
Maybe more color next year.
This picture is my girl Jade with some french maran chicks she hatched last year.
I purchased 16 shipped eggs and got 12 chicks.
Hello everyone, I'm Enrique but yall can call me Rick. About a month ago I found an incubator (styrofoam) at a dumpster, brought it home and tested it but didn't work ( it was the digital kind ), I ordered the waffle thermostat from ebay and installed it with two 75 wat light bulbs and a small computer fan and worked perfectly with temp 99-100 according to a digital thermometer I also ordered for $5.....😁...Anyways I collected some eggs of my flock and set them up on the 7th of Oct and started hatching yesterday. I got 3 Marans roosters 1 French Black Copper Maran, 1 French Black Maran, and 1 Midnight Majesty Maran. The two French marans are offsprings of some dark brown eggs I ordered on last Nov and I hatched 3 out of 6 eggs but one died. The Midnight Majesty is the only one left from an order I placed from Hoover back in Dec. Anyway I've got a flock of around 100 hens I've ordered thru this year that consist of different breeds but are not laying yet so I depend on my 10 layers I have which consist of 3 EE, 2 Welsummers, 2 Turkens, 2 ISA's, and 1 Silverlaced Wyandotte. I set up 15 eggs and 12 have hatched but all black in color regardless of different feather color of all my hens!!!!! Not even one naked neck came out neither....😂.

I got a lot of black chicks when I had 2 black roosters. They might develop color as they grow feathers in. This picture is of Ash, who hatched out with all black down.
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Great job fixing the incubator and for your hatch!
All black chicks for me too this year.
My rooster is a dark wheaten Americana and my hens are mixed with everything and are all colors... still all black chicks?
Oh well!
Maybe more color next year.
This picture is my girl Jade with some french maran chicks she hatched last year.
I purchased 16 shipped eggs and got 12 chicks.
View attachment 3976363
I'm planning on adding at least 50 eggs on the 31st. I also got some marans females 9 to be exact. I got them from a dozen I ordered on ebay but they're around 4 months old.
Hello everyone, I'm Enrique but yall can call me Rick. About a month ago I found an incubator (styrofoam) at a dumpster, brought it home and tested it but didn't work ( it was the digital kind ), I ordered the waffle thermostat from ebay and installed it with two 75 wat light bulbs and a small computer fan and worked perfectly with temp 99-100 according to a digital thermometer I also ordered for $5.....😁...Anyways I collected some eggs of my flock and set them up on the 7th of Oct and started hatching yesterday. I got 3 Marans roosters 1 French Black Copper Maran, 1 French Black Maran, and 1 Midnight Majesty Maran. The two French marans are offsprings of some dark brown eggs I ordered on last Nov and I hatched 3 out of 6 eggs but one died. The Midnight Majesty is the only one left from an order I placed from Hoover back in Dec. Anyway I've got a flock of around 100 hens I've ordered thru this year that consist of different breeds but are not laying yet so I depend on my 10 layers I have which consist of 3 EE, 2 Welsummers, 2 Turkens, 2 ISA's, and 1 Silverlaced Wyandotte. I set up 15 eggs and 12 have hatched but all black in color regardless of different feather color of all my hens!!!!! Not even one naked neck came out neither....😂.
if you have a chicken with red, the red feathers will grow in as the bird ages.

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