Ameraucana not laying eggs.

Jul 31, 2019
St. Louis, Missouri
We have an Ameraucana / Easter Egger that just started laying eggs back in March. Not sure how old she is. I'm thinking maybe just under a year old. I think she may have been about nine months old when she started laying in March. Since then she has not been laying every day. In fact she'll go several days without laying an egg. But now, it seems like it's been a very long time since she has laid an egg. Well over a week. Maybe even two weeks, although it's hard to tell these days because time seems to be dragging!
I have been letting the chickens out to free range most days, but when I have done that in the past, they have all gone back up to the coop to lay their eggs in the nesting boxes, including this one. I have checked around, though, to see if I can find an egg in the yard anywhere where I know they've been hanging out, but I haven't found any.
Should I be worried about her being egg bound, or is it not unusual for an Ameraucana/Easter Egger to be sporadic in her egg laying habits early on?
P.S. I posted about this bird back in March, when I was worried that she hadn't started laying yet. Right after my post, she laid her first egg!
or is it not unusual for an Ameraucana/Easter Egger to be sporadic in her egg laying habits early on?
Not unusual to be sporadic layer... their whole lives.
Give her a good going over, looking for bugs and swollen belly.
Is she eating/drinking/pooping/moving around OK?
If she was egg bound she would be acting very ill.
Might confine them again for a week to see if she lays.
I'm assuming she's a blue egg layer, and your only one, so easy to tell if she's laid or not.

ETA: Is it hot where you are?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Not unusual to be sporadic layer... their whole lives.
Give her a good going over, looking for bugs and swollen belly.
Is she eating/drinking/pooping/moving around OK?
If she was egg bound she would be acting very ill.
Might confine them again for a week to see if she lays.
I'm assuming she's a blue egg layer, and your only one, so easy to tell if she's laid or not.

ETA: Is it hot where you are?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2170787
Not unusual to be sporadic layer... their whole lives.
Give her a good going over, looking for bugs and swollen belly.
Is she eating/drinking/pooping/moving around OK?
If she was egg bound she would be acting very ill.
Might confine them again for a week to see if she lays.
I'm assuming she's a blue egg layer, and your only one, so easy to tell if she's laid or not.

ETA: Is it hot where you are?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2170787
Thank you so much. I will do all those things. Generally, she looks healthy, and is eating, and acting normal as far as I can tell. Just not laying eggs!
I will fix my profile. Thanks for the tips.
Oh, and by the way, I'm in St Louis County in Missouri. And yes, we had a pretty hot streak last week when this non laying started, but now it's cooled off again, and I was hoping for a green egg.
I was wondering if just the different routine of being out free-ranging would throw her off, too.
Feel a little better knowing that that is not uncommon for that breed.
Thanks again.
Mine stops laying sometimes for a month at a time. I used to worry but she’s healthy and happy and always picks right back up again at random 😂
Thank you, Ariapina.
She finally started laying again. I think she just had to get used to their new routine. I mentioned that I had started letting them out in the mornings to free range, but she seems to have settled into it. Still only lays every other day, though, and sometimes every third day, but that's all she's ever done.
Good to know that's not unusual, though. I won't worry about her so much next time.

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