Ameraucana or easter egger


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
I got this hen (hopefully) about 9 weeks ago. I was told she is an ameraucana and would lay green eggs. I've been reading that most ameraucanas are actually Easter eggers. Can anyone tell me if mine us a real ameraucana or an easter egger.


I got her from the local feed store. She has the black legs and feet so I'm confused as to what she is. Will she lay a green egg still? My kids named her Hulk because of the green egg she's supposed to lay.
Easter Eggers from feed stores can lay a few different colors, even basic brown. Most likely it will be any shade of green, blue or even pink. It's always a gamble from the chicks you get from a feed store, unless you get chicks directly from breeders who can prove the colors of the eggs that are laid. Good luck!
Thank you. I really like this hen. She us so sweet and friendly. She is the only one I have so far that will just sit on my lap or not care when she is picked up. She doesn't try to fly away or anything.
Wow thanks for that bit if information. I had no idea that her comb indicates the color if their eggs. I thought their ears were the indicator. Thank you so much. My kids will be so happy.
Wow thanks for that bit if information. I had no idea that her comb indicates the color if their eggs. I thought their ears were the indicator. Thank you so much. My kids will be so happy.
Earlobes are a good rule of thumb. Generally red earlobes mean brown eggs, white earlobes mean white eggs. There are exceptions to both those guides, but for probably 90% of breeds they're good.

But, Easter eggers or other blue/green laying birds don't have blue or green lobes, they usually have red.

The comb doesn't actually indicate what color egg the bird lays, but the gene for pea comb is very close on the DNA strand to the gene for blue/green eggs, so they go together like 97% of the time. It means your chances are good, but it's not a done deal until she lays!
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