Ameraucana or Easter Eggers?


11 Years
Mar 14, 2009
Springfield, OR

I picked up these two girls yesterday in response to a Craigslist ad. The couple who had them advertised them as > 3-year-old Ameraucanas whose egg production had dramatically dropped off and were therefore no longer of use to them. They didn't know much about their history, having inherited them from someone else, but the hens have obviously never been handled and are very apprehensive of us and our other chickens and animals. I know they'll acclimate in time, but it occurred to me that their look, coloring and type is distinctly different than my other Easter Eggers. Are they possibly purebred Ameraucanas? They have slate-colored legs and feet and very pronounced muffs and beards.
I should have clarified that I don't care one way or the other about their genetics. My Easter Egger hens for the last 14 years have been of the chipmunk variety, and someone "gifted" me anonymously with a handsome silver EE cockerel last year, so these girls will be a uniquely beautiful edition to the flock.
Thank you all! I was momentarily confused by their coloring and beards. When I picked them up from the couple I referred to them as Easter Eggers and the man corrected me, adding to my self-doubt. I'm excited to have them in my flock, and am especially looking forward to introducing them to my handsome EE roo. I would love to get some of their eggs to incubate but if they're done laying that's okay too.

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