The lovely light colored lady in the foreground was called an aracauna by the woman we acquired her from- I definitely don’t think that’s accurate- is she Ameraucana maybe or an Egger? Thanks
I do actually still think she is an Araucana. If she were an Ameracauna or an easter egger, I think she would be starting to get feathers under her chin, or her "beard" as my kids call it.
Really?! Interesting. Thanks for your reply. I thought the Araucanas had the tufts, she doesn’t seem to have any (although she’s not even a year old so I don’t know when those come in fully). I have no experience with these breeds, we happened upon her and the kids just loved her right away so here she is
I do think that she is an easter egger. Not all easter eggers have the bearded look. Ameraucanas do have muffs. Auracanas have tufts and are tail free.
Easter eggers are usually lovely and personable but not as rare.
Your girl is beautiful.