American Buff Goose or Gander?


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2022
Hi everyone,

We adopted 2 American Buff geese as chicks this past Spring and we were surprised today with our first egg. Unfortunately, it was unwitnessed and sitting in a nest alone so I am not sure which of our 2 laid it. One of our geese also seemed to have sprouted a strong set of lungs and belted out at us from afar (not near the nest) - audio attached. Both look similar without much difference (I just know them as they have a different pattern and personalities). Anyways, long story short, can anyone listen to my goose and tell me their educated guess on the sex of it?

I have a female Buff, and I’ve never heard her make that loud honking in the audio, so I’m tentatively guessing gander for that one. The quieter goose in the background sounds more like my Buff girl.

You may see the egg layer on the nest soon. It only took me a day or two to see both of my geese on the nest preparing to lay.
Don't know if the visual would help but this is what our girl Gizzy looks like.


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