Amputation of back toe due to severe bumblefoot - Advice appreciated.


Queen of the Coop
9 Years
Jan 14, 2015
Shingle Springs, California, USA
I have a two(ish) year old Ga Noi cock who has severe bumblefoot in one of his back toes. I have no idea how he managed this but it is nonetheless there. The entire toe is badly swollen and I very much doubt anything can be done but remove the toe. I would usually have my vet deal with it, however I'm in a financial tight spot right now for a few reasons and that is not an option. I have experience with surgery (caponization, previous bumblefoot surgeries, dubbing due to frostbite, etc.) but I've never needed to actually remove a limb attached with bone, even one as small as a toe, so this is somewhat new. I do have poultry antibiotics and pain meds (Clavamox and Metacam) on hand for post-surgery care. Has anyone been in a similar situation before and if so what advice do you have?

Please just take the poor thing to a vet... no slight on your veterinary prowess intended but I think in these situations professional intervention is vital.

PS good luck, and get well soon to the chicken.
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Can you post a picture? I haven't amputated a toe before, so may not offer much help. Have you done Epsom salts or betadine warm soaks? I've seen a lot of frostbitten toes here online, and those usually fall off in a few weeks from lack of circulation. My hen lost her toenail once, and once it healed she did okay. Others have had partial amputations of toes due to trauma. wonder about using a tight rubber band around the toe, kind of how they castrate or treat prolapses in some animals like pigs. Once the circulation is interrupted, the toe should become numb. I hope others have suggestions, and hope you let us know what happens.
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I'd love to post a picture, unfortunately the only camera I have would have been my smartphone... which I dropped in the ocean about two weeks ago. I can describe it in a little more detail - his back toes have always been a little odd, in the the scale are rather thick and raised (similar to what you'd see in a scaley leg mite infestation, except I'm 100% sure he's never had that). The toe in it's current state is maybe twice as thick as the other, healthy back toe. There's a very definite "core" like in typical bumblefoot. The toe nail appears to be mostly gone. I did wonder if perhaps he managed to rip it off at some point and that's what started the infection. He holds that foot up a lot. He has been caged and in the house on a combination of thick towels/shavings fora few days - I've been monitoring it and it has neither improved nor drastically worsened, but it definitely needs treatment soon. I would have done it sooner but I've been working most of this week and running around like - no pun intended - a chicken with my head cut off. Today is basically my first day off in a few days and I probably won't have free time again until Monday, so I'd really like to get it treated today.

While googling this question I did find a video which shows a bird who's toe is very similar in appearance to my cockbird's, if that helps. His proportionally about as swollen. (The video is very graphic as it shows the actual amputation, just FYI.) Video:

@Eggcessive , I do like your suggestion of using a band and letting the toe fall off on its own, however I am not sure that will be timely enough. I do not want the infection to spread into the shank.
If it has a core like you say, why not remove the pus and start antibiotics?
The sheer size of the core... it appears to extend to the base of the toe and seems to actually be most of the toe at this point, if I tried to remove it i think there would be more tissue removed than salvaged. I have to think it would drastically quicker and less painful to just take the entire thing, since he can live without it.

Can you borrow a camera or someones phone?
I could tomorrow but I was hoping to go through with treatment today. I'm not going out today (thirty minute drive to town) and it's just me at the house today, my family members are at an event a few towns away until very, very late tonight.

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