Greetings all!
I’ve kept, raised, hatched, sold, etc, for 5 years now. And before then I’ve got my knowledge from several generations of family that have done the same. And this wonderful place of course
Raising and keeping healthy chickens is more involved than simply collecting eggs, feeding, watering, and picking up poop. We all know this. Although there are those among us that do the bare minimum. It happens.
Let’s discuss for a minute the absolute best you can treat your flock. Ok,…maybe not THE BEST. Because we will all have our own opinions and definition of how to BEST treat your flock. And as we all know…you can spend unlimited funds and time upgrading, and adding tech, and making your flock’s home THE BEST.
Let’s talk about a healthy flock. Where anyone, stranger, family, friend,…when they see or hear of your flock and how you take care of them think to themselves…”yeah, that’s a healthy flock. Very well taken care of”.
This is just my opinion of course. Please feel free to add your own. I would love to hear it.
IMO, a healthy happy flock consists of (in no order)
Food - layer feed, and occasional table scraps. Layer feed provided round the clock as much as they want. Table scraps 3-4x a week, basically whenever you have them.
Treats - meal worms or the like, maybe 2-3x a week. Just a handful tossed in. Not unlimited.
Fun stuff - Hanging lettuce to pick at, roosts in the run. Shade in the run. IDK if chickens have fun but some form of enrichment.
Calcium supplement. - Oyster shells - as much as they want
Dust bath - some form of dust bath for them. Maybe an old tire filled with sand, or Diatomaceous earth Or a combo of both.
A clean coop - cleaning daily, picking up the poo, scooping the poo boards, cleaning out the nest boxes. If you see poo try to get it.
Fresh water every day - if you can provide cold water during summer even better. Otherwise fresh daily
Protection from predators - flying and ground dwelling. Chickens need to feel safe. Especially if you don’t have a rooster with the flock.
Vaccinated for disease - if not vaccinated then at least the proper dietary supplements to prevent disease.
Your presence - spend time with your flock. Walk around in the run with them. Sit and watch them. Talk to them. Help your flock get used to you and bond together.
I’m sure I might be missing something but these are just off the top of my head. Admittedly some of these things I don’t do/provide for my own flock but they are on my mind and I know I need to get at it.
So what do you have to add??
I’ve kept, raised, hatched, sold, etc, for 5 years now. And before then I’ve got my knowledge from several generations of family that have done the same. And this wonderful place of course

Raising and keeping healthy chickens is more involved than simply collecting eggs, feeding, watering, and picking up poop. We all know this. Although there are those among us that do the bare minimum. It happens.
Let’s discuss for a minute the absolute best you can treat your flock. Ok,…maybe not THE BEST. Because we will all have our own opinions and definition of how to BEST treat your flock. And as we all know…you can spend unlimited funds and time upgrading, and adding tech, and making your flock’s home THE BEST.
Let’s talk about a healthy flock. Where anyone, stranger, family, friend,…when they see or hear of your flock and how you take care of them think to themselves…”yeah, that’s a healthy flock. Very well taken care of”.
This is just my opinion of course. Please feel free to add your own. I would love to hear it.
IMO, a healthy happy flock consists of (in no order)
Food - layer feed, and occasional table scraps. Layer feed provided round the clock as much as they want. Table scraps 3-4x a week, basically whenever you have them.
Treats - meal worms or the like, maybe 2-3x a week. Just a handful tossed in. Not unlimited.
Fun stuff - Hanging lettuce to pick at, roosts in the run. Shade in the run. IDK if chickens have fun but some form of enrichment.
Calcium supplement. - Oyster shells - as much as they want
Dust bath - some form of dust bath for them. Maybe an old tire filled with sand, or Diatomaceous earth Or a combo of both.
A clean coop - cleaning daily, picking up the poo, scooping the poo boards, cleaning out the nest boxes. If you see poo try to get it.
Fresh water every day - if you can provide cold water during summer even better. Otherwise fresh daily
Protection from predators - flying and ground dwelling. Chickens need to feel safe. Especially if you don’t have a rooster with the flock.
Vaccinated for disease - if not vaccinated then at least the proper dietary supplements to prevent disease.
Your presence - spend time with your flock. Walk around in the run with them. Sit and watch them. Talk to them. Help your flock get used to you and bond together.
I’m sure I might be missing something but these are just off the top of my head. Admittedly some of these things I don’t do/provide for my own flock but they are on my mind and I know I need to get at it.
So what do you have to add??