Another “is this a roo” post…


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2024
There is a roo in the flock that has been crowing for about two weeks now, but not a peep from this one. Acts very hen like but I’m not sure…
Once I had a big rooster who's brother didn't crow or mate at all. Now I butchered the main rooster because he over mated all the hens. And his brother is now the main rooster and crows.
Once I had a big rooster who's brother didn't crow or mate at all. Now I butchered the main rooster because he over mated all the hens. And his brother is now the main rooster and crows.
Funny enough, this one is bigger than the crowing brother! I only have a very small flock of four and it’s my first time owning chickens so I’m not sure if it’s okay to keep them both, even if one is docile?
I would either buy more silkie hens or 💀 Kill the not your favorite roo
I will probably be buying more hens anyway! If one has to go I thankfully know of some people who are looking for silkie roosters, I’m just completely unsure if it’s a hen or not 😂 the only thing throwing me off is the size, it’s the biggest of the flock.

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