Another round of what's my gender


Mar 18, 2023
South Texas
This is a chicken that someone abandoned and I took in. The first two photos I am guessing were taken at about 2 months old. I cannot be sure of the age because this is when I "adopted" them. I am making my guess based on some chicks that I hatched few months earlier.
The next 3rd photo is take almost exactly 6 weeks later.
Just curious about everyone's guesses as to white chicken's gender.


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She’s a very pretty pullet. ❤️
She was a pullet that fooled me.
I thought I had a cockerel until I found a white egg.
She was living with a Bielefelder pullet, so I knew that the egg had to be hers as Bielefelders lay dark brown eggs.
Sadly, she was killed by dogs that broke into my backyard.
I posted these photos to see as sort of a test.
I wanted to see what others thought.

The Bielefelder survived the dogs, but has not started laying yet. I read they start late but the first photo was taken at the end of September, and I am wondering when she might start.
I am in South Texas so winter is not the issue. All the other hens are laying eggs.
She was a pullet that fooled me.
I thought I had a cockerel until I found a white egg.
She was living with a Bielefelder pullet, so I knew that the egg had to be hers as Bielefelders lay dark brown eggs.
Sadly, she was killed by dogs that broke into my backyard.
I posted these photos to see as sort of a test.
I wanted to see what others thought.

The Bielefelder survived the dogs, but has not started laying yet. I read they start late but the first photo was taken at the end of September, and I am wondering when she might start.
I am in South Texas so winter is not the issue. All the other hens are laying eggs.
Do you mean Barnevelder? The pullet in with the white one looks like a Barnevelder. How old is she now? Some hens do just like to take their sweet time.
Do you mean Barnevelder? The pullet in with the white one looks like a Barnevelder. How old is she now? Some hens do just like to take their sweet time.
Yes. I got her towards the end of September and my estimate was that she was about 2 months old. This would make her 6 months old.
However I did read that they start laying around 8 months old, so I have another couple more months,of waiting.
Meanwhile I have 2 pullets that hatched end of September and they will probably start laying real soon.

I do miss that white Leghorn. She had a very outgoing personality without being annoying.

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