Antibiotics for chickens?

Jul 24, 2020
So I have this group or 5 hens I just bought there has been a little bit of sneezing and some seem to have trouble breathing one also has a snotty nose she smells like infection I was thinking maybe a upper respiratory infection, is there something I can give them to clear it up? I'm really worried.
It sounds like you bought sick chickens who have been exposed to a chronic respiratory disease. MG, coryza, infectious bronchitis are some common ones. Sometimes they have been exposed, and the disease symptoms may show up due to the stress of the move. I would take them back to whoever sold them. Once you start a flock or add a sick bird to a flock, the disease may be there forever. They all become carriers.
It sounds like MG (Mycoplasma Gallisepticum). It's very contagious among chickens. If there was facial swelling AND a foul odor around the head area, I'd suspect Coryza. It's possible it could be both at the same time as well.
Treatment for MG is Tylan or Baytril. Treatment for Coryza is a sulfa drug such as Sulfadimethoxine or SMZ/TMP in combination with Tylan or Baytril.
I forgot to add; as Eggcessive mentioned, they will be carriers for life and will infect new incoming birds. You must maintain a closed flock. No new birds in, none to be sold nor given away. MG can be passed through eggs. No selling nor giving eggs away to be hatched. I recommend that you cull the sick birds and either incinerate them or bury them deep away from your coop/pens.
Wait at least 6 months before repopulating, that's after disinfecting your coop, feeders, waterers etc...
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It sounds like MG (Mycoplasma Gallisepticum). It's very contagious among chickens. If there was facial swelling AND a foul odor around the head area, I'd suspect Coryza. It's possible it could be both at the same time as well.
Treatment for MG is Tylan or Baytril. Treatment for Coryza is a sulfa drug such as Sulfadimethoxine or SMZ/TMP in combination with Tylan or Baytril.
I forgot to add; as Eggcessive mentioned, they will be carriers for life and will infect new incoming birds. You must maintain a closed flock. No new birds in, none to be sold nor given away. MG can be passed through eggs. No selling nor giving eggs away to be hatched. I recommend that you cull the sick birds and either incinerate them or bury them deep away from your coop/pens.
Wait at least 6 months before repopulating, that's after disinfecting your coop, feeders, waterers etc...
Yeah not happening plus there eggs are in with the other
Oregano is a great antibiotic for chickens, just add some to their food.😊
Dry or fresh

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