In the Brooder
Hi all! My name is Stefney, I’ve recently acquired chickens for the first time. I live in South Africa, in the suburbs of Pretoria. I have 6 chickens at the moment: all of them are Orpingtons (2 x full size hens, 3 x bantam hens, 1 x bantam rooster).
Please give me all of your best advice for someone who has never cared for chickens. I don’t even know where to start wrt food etc.
For now they’re living in a makeshift pen underneath the trampoline, while we’re building two beautiful 6x3meter (20x10feet) runs(enclosures) in my backyard under big luscious trees. The runs will be completely predator proof and half of it will be covered with sloping plastic roof sheets to shelter against rain in the summer.
Thereafter I’ll build a wooden coop with built in nesting boxes and perches for them to sleep in if they choose to. But with temperatures here year-round being very warm, I don’t consider the coop a necessity per se.
Here’s what I have no clue about:
1. Feed: I’ve bought mixed fowl food (basically crushed corn with some pumpkin seeds etc) and mixed it in equal parts with layer mash and grower mash. Help, what are they SUPPOSED to be eating? Most of them are still young, haven’t laid yet, I think they may be moulting too as we’re heading into winter now. But I’m not sure. Definitely none older than a year or 18 months. None of them have bred yet for sure.
2. Medication: Some of them have a little bit of a cough/sneeze, is this normal? No other symptoms, and they don’t seem to be bothered, but I’ve read respiratory diseases are a problem in chickens? How do I treat them for this?
Also, one of the big hens has small wart-like bumps on her face. The internet says this is fowl-pocks? (Cr*p, I’m scared now). I’ve been applying iodine ointment with an earbud once a day and that seems to be making the bumps go away, but then a new one appears somewhere else. Other than the bumps the hen looks fine. I know I’m supposed to isolate the sick ones, but my temporary setup doesn’t allow for separation at the moment, and they were already sleeping together for about 10 days before I noticed their ailments, so I figured they had already passed whatever they had to the others by that point.
What other common or life threatening diseases and problems should I be aware of? And how do I treat/prevent those? I have administered a vitamin booster via syringe and mixed a vitamin supplement into their feed. I’m also on day two of DoxyMax-50 for chickens in their water (link of this in case it’s not common in your country: )
What should I do in the future? Am I on the right track? Please help!!
3. Cleaning the enclosure: How often am I supposed to remove the poop and how do I disinfect the entire closure? There are different plants and some large landscaping rocks to perch on, the ground is just soil/dirt now (it was grass and succulents for about a week haha). There’s poop everywhere, but I can’t imagine raking and mucking out the area daily.
When they have a coop I’ll clean that obviously, don’t want them sleeping in a smelly gross poop bed. But as for the rest of the area, they’re scratching and pecking in the dirt all day, around the poop, is that dangerous?
4. Sleeping arrangements: Why are they sleeping in a huddle on the floor instead of perching or sleeping in their nests at night? During the day they love their little nests and nap in there all throughout the day. Some of them use the one little perch (a plank of about 2-3 inches wide securely resting on brick pillars about 2 feet high) but I see them on there very rarely. I thought chickens loved to roost and I was planning on building a big roosting perch for them as soon as the enclosure is finished? Will I be wasting my time?
5. Separating/dividing the flock:
For now all 6 of them happily coexist, but I’m planning to add 2 more bantam hens in the near future. How do I integrate them into the flock? And is it okay to keep the big hens with the bantams?
My new enclosure will be split in half so there will be two sides, should I split the group? When do I separate hens with chicks? Or the rooster? I have no idea how this works?
6. Signs and clues that my flock is healthy/not: How do I know when my chickens aren’t well? How do I tell when they’re thriving?
7. Anything else? Please spam me with all your chicken knowledge. I wish there was a “backyard chickens for absolute dummies”, but I’m hoping to learn from all of you.
I’ll post some pictures of my temporary setup and my chickens for context.
Please give me all of your best advice for someone who has never cared for chickens. I don’t even know where to start wrt food etc.
For now they’re living in a makeshift pen underneath the trampoline, while we’re building two beautiful 6x3meter (20x10feet) runs(enclosures) in my backyard under big luscious trees. The runs will be completely predator proof and half of it will be covered with sloping plastic roof sheets to shelter against rain in the summer.
Thereafter I’ll build a wooden coop with built in nesting boxes and perches for them to sleep in if they choose to. But with temperatures here year-round being very warm, I don’t consider the coop a necessity per se.
Here’s what I have no clue about:
1. Feed: I’ve bought mixed fowl food (basically crushed corn with some pumpkin seeds etc) and mixed it in equal parts with layer mash and grower mash. Help, what are they SUPPOSED to be eating? Most of them are still young, haven’t laid yet, I think they may be moulting too as we’re heading into winter now. But I’m not sure. Definitely none older than a year or 18 months. None of them have bred yet for sure.
2. Medication: Some of them have a little bit of a cough/sneeze, is this normal? No other symptoms, and they don’t seem to be bothered, but I’ve read respiratory diseases are a problem in chickens? How do I treat them for this?
Also, one of the big hens has small wart-like bumps on her face. The internet says this is fowl-pocks? (Cr*p, I’m scared now). I’ve been applying iodine ointment with an earbud once a day and that seems to be making the bumps go away, but then a new one appears somewhere else. Other than the bumps the hen looks fine. I know I’m supposed to isolate the sick ones, but my temporary setup doesn’t allow for separation at the moment, and they were already sleeping together for about 10 days before I noticed their ailments, so I figured they had already passed whatever they had to the others by that point.
What other common or life threatening diseases and problems should I be aware of? And how do I treat/prevent those? I have administered a vitamin booster via syringe and mixed a vitamin supplement into their feed. I’m also on day two of DoxyMax-50 for chickens in their water (link of this in case it’s not common in your country: )
What should I do in the future? Am I on the right track? Please help!!
3. Cleaning the enclosure: How often am I supposed to remove the poop and how do I disinfect the entire closure? There are different plants and some large landscaping rocks to perch on, the ground is just soil/dirt now (it was grass and succulents for about a week haha). There’s poop everywhere, but I can’t imagine raking and mucking out the area daily.
When they have a coop I’ll clean that obviously, don’t want them sleeping in a smelly gross poop bed. But as for the rest of the area, they’re scratching and pecking in the dirt all day, around the poop, is that dangerous?
4. Sleeping arrangements: Why are they sleeping in a huddle on the floor instead of perching or sleeping in their nests at night? During the day they love their little nests and nap in there all throughout the day. Some of them use the one little perch (a plank of about 2-3 inches wide securely resting on brick pillars about 2 feet high) but I see them on there very rarely. I thought chickens loved to roost and I was planning on building a big roosting perch for them as soon as the enclosure is finished? Will I be wasting my time?
5. Separating/dividing the flock:
For now all 6 of them happily coexist, but I’m planning to add 2 more bantam hens in the near future. How do I integrate them into the flock? And is it okay to keep the big hens with the bantams?
My new enclosure will be split in half so there will be two sides, should I split the group? When do I separate hens with chicks? Or the rooster? I have no idea how this works?
6. Signs and clues that my flock is healthy/not: How do I know when my chickens aren’t well? How do I tell when they’re thriving?
7. Anything else? Please spam me with all your chicken knowledge. I wish there was a “backyard chickens for absolute dummies”, but I’m hoping to learn from all of you.
I’ll post some pictures of my temporary setup and my chickens for context.
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